December 22, 2024

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Party Members Behold The Machine [new LP out today]

<p>After a year of build-up and anticipation, Yuzima's new record The Machine is out today.</p><p></p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.

After a year of build-up and anticipation, Yuzima’s new record The Machine is out today.

In the throes of these dark times when citizens turn on each other, tribes turn on tribes, strong leaders are abandoned and citizens struggle against systems, indie rocker Yuzima has spent the last year conceptualizing and recording The Machine.

Nine new songs that tactfully take on modern subjects while immersing sound in his modern take on post-punk, noise and industrial, download the new album and spread the word.

More information at

The post appeared first on

Party Members Behold The Machine [new LP out today]

<p>After a year of build-up and anticipation, Yuzima's new record The Machine is out today.</p><p></p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.

After a year of build-up and anticipation, Yuzima’s new record The Machine is out today.

In the throes of these dark times when citizens turn on each other, tribes turn on tribes, strong leaders are abandoned and citizens struggle against systems, indie rocker Yuzima has spent the last year conceptualizing and recording The Machine.

Nine new songs that tactfully take on modern subjects while immersing sound in his modern take on post-punk, noise and industrial, download the new album and spread the word.

More information at

The post appeared first on

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