March 17, 2025

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

PrEP is Effective

<p>On Behalf of Dan Wohlfeiler All, As most of you know. I’ve been working closely with the dating site,  Daddyhunt, to produce a web series that incorporates a storyline on PrEP, STDs, having an undetectable viral load, and condoms.  Taking advantage of the fact that the cast was all there, we made five PSAs (with input […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">PrEP is Effective</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
On Behalf of Dan Wohlfeiler
PrEP is Effective

As most of you know. I’ve been working closely with the dating site,  Daddyhunt, to produce a web series that incorporates a storyline on PrEP, STDs, having an undetectable viral load, and condoms.  Taking advantage of the fact that the cast was all there, we made five PSAs (with input from many of you) encouraging gay men to make the choice of strategies that’s right for them, in addition to getting tested.

The first PSA, “The Right Choice,” has gotten 125,000 views between Facebook and YouTube in the first ten days. The second one, “PrEP is Effective,” has just been up for two hours and has gotten about 2000 views.

You can find all the links and more background information here:
Links to specific PSA’s:
“The Right Choice”
“PrEP is Effective”
The YouTube versions are close-captioned in both Spanish and English (find the small gear-wheel on the lower right of the screen to change your settings).
Please consider sharing links with colleagues, friends, on Facebook, and via your own lists. More PSAs will be coming out in the coming weeks. While we’re particularly interested in getting “PrEP is Effective” out there, since it’s brand new, if you have time to forward both PSAs, that’d be even better.
I’m happy to answer any questions, of course.
Thanks very much.
To your health – and to all of ours,
Dan Wohlfeiler
Director, Building Healthy Online Communities

PrEP is Effective

The post PrEP is Effective appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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