March 19, 2025

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Press Secretary Every Voice

<p>Every Voice – Washington, D.C.<br /> Under the direction of the Communications Director, the Press Secretary will support the organization in developing communications campaigns and generating earned media to support the goals of our organization.<br /> Every Voice is a nimble, campaign-oriented organization dedicated to improving America’s election laws by passing policies that empower small donors and give everyday [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Press Secretary Every Voice</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Every Voice – Washington, D.C.

Under the direction of the Communications Director, the Press Secretary will support the organization in developing communications campaigns and generating earned media to support the goals of our organization.

Every Voice is a nimble, campaign-oriented organization dedicated to improving America’s election laws by passing policies that empower small donors and give everyday people a bigger voice in the political process. Using complementary strategies of campaigning for policy victories, engaging in election-related accountability, establishing coalitional relationships, and using all the modern tools of communications, Every Voice works to build and execute political power to win real, achievable change in the way our elections are financed.

Press Secretary Every VoicePress Secretary Every Voice


  • Pitching reporters and building relationships with them at the local, state, and national level.
  • Drafting press releases, talking points, op-eds, blog posts, and letters to the editor
  • Monitoring news and social media platforms throughout the day and proactively developing organizational responses as necessary.
  • Generating creative ideas to proactively get Every Voice issues and spokespeople in the news.
  • Working with the field team and communications director to develop and implement communications plans for state legislative, electoral, and ballot initiative campaigns.
  • Responding to media requests in a timely manner and occasionally serving as a spokesperson for the organization.
  • Preparing spokespeople for interviews and public speaking engagements
  • Develop and maintaining media lists.
  • Assisting the communications director and other senior staff as necessary with internal communication with the board of directors, funders, and organization allies.

Required Qualifications

  • Two to three years of experience in a fast-paced campaign atmosphere.
  • Very strong writing and editing skills.
  • Existing relationships with reporters.
  • Experience monitoring, analyzing and responding in real-time to news coverage.
  • Knowledge of print, broadcast, and electronic news media.
  • A creative and strategic ability to frame ideas, develop stories, and synthesize complex policy issues in a way that appeals to the news media and a wide variety of audiences.
  • Able to balance multiple projects at the same time.

Desired Qualifications

  • Experience with message development.
  • Familiarity with electoral or issue-advocacy campaigns.
  • Interest and knowledge about campaign finance and its impact on the democratic process.
  • Interest in progressive issues and social justice.
  • Experience with HTML and the Adobe design suite software, such as Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

Job Details

Salary is commensurate with experience. A generous benefits package is offered. Position is full-time and based in the organization’s Washington, D.C. office. Occasional travel required.

To Apply

Applications will be reviewed as they are received, through February 1, 2015. Please submit a resume, a cover letter including salary range, and writing samples to

Please make sure to note where you saw this listing in your cover letter.

Every Voice is an equal opportunity employer, and encourages people of color, ethnic minorities, women, and individuals from the LGBT community to apply.

The post Press Secretary Every Voice appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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