March 20, 2025

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Pride Barcelona 2013

[ June 21, 2013 to July 1, 2013. ] Barcelona, Spain Pride Barcelona For the fifth year running, Barcelona is well into the preparations to welcome you to the most important LGBT pride festival in the Mediterranean – Pride Barcelona’13. The main celebrations will be on the weekend of the 28th, 29th and 30th of June , but entire festival includes a program that runs from [...]
June 21, 2013toJuly 1, 2013

Barcelona, Spain

Pride Barcelona

For the fifth year running, Barcelona is well into the preparations to welcome you to the most important LGBT pride festival in the Mediterranean – Pride Barcelona’13. The main celebrations will be on the weekend of the 28th, 29th and 30th of June , but entire festival includes a program that runs from the 20th to the 30th of June!

30 charitable associations, many local businesses and the entire LBGT community have again united to organise a new pride for the city – offering ten days of culture, sport, debate, entertainment and parties. Pride Barcelona is a major free not-for-profit event that both celebrates the best of the Catalan capital.

Spain is a shining example of LGBT Rights, and is already on the global map for pride celebrations in Madrid and Maspalomas – always reaffirming our open, respectful and tolerant character. Barcelona is now firmly placed on that map – growing bigger and better every year.

Come and experience Pride Barcelona 2013. See for yourself why this new event is now among the greatest pride celebrations in the world!

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