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Pride Barcelona 2014

<p>[ June 19, 2014 to June 29, 2014. ] Gay Pride Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain<br /> For the sixth year running, Barcelona is well into the preparations to welcome you to the most important LGBT pride festival in the Mediterranean – Pride Barcelona’14. The main celebrations will be on the weekend of the 27th, 28th and 29th of June , but entire festival includes a program [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Pride Barcelona 2014</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 19, 2014toJune 29, 2014

Gay Pride Barcelona – Barcelona, Spain

For the sixth year running, Barcelona is well into the preparations to welcome you to the most important LGBT pride festival in the Mediterranean – Pride Barcelona’14. The main celebrations will be on the weekend of the 27th, 28th and 29th of June , but entire festival includes a program that runs from the 19th to the 29th of June!

Pride Barcelona 2014

Pride Barcelona 2014

30 charitable associations, many local businesses and the entire LBGT community have again united to organize a new pride for the city – offering ten days of culture, sport, debate, entertainment and parties. Pride Barcelona is a major free not-for-profit event that both celebrates the best of the Catalan capital.

Spain is a shining example of LGBT Rights, and is already on the global map for pride celebrations in Madrid and Maspalomas – always reaffirming our open, respectful and tolerant character. Barcelona is now firmly placed on that map – growing bigger and better every year.

PRIDE BARCELONA 2014 open shops

Pride Barcelona’s Sunday has been chosen one of the free days to open shops in Barcelona. Usually shops are closed during Sundays.
Last year Pride Barcelona got 18€ millions just from foreign tourism

This 2014 Barcelona add 4 Sundays to the open shop calendar to get more tourism consumption. The city council chose Sunday 29th of June as one of these days because of Pride Barcelona.

Pride Barcelona 2014 will take place from 19th to 29th of June. It will be the sixth edition. The main objective is to commemorate and to claim Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transexual (LGBT) Pride organizing more than 100 activities, including Pride Parade.

Last year Pride Barcelona had 250.000 visitors and every year they are more and more. A 15% of these visitors were foreign people, whom generate a turnover of 18€ millions.

Just in Barcelona there are 250 LGBT tourism resources that generate 2.000 jobs, with a turnover of 450€ millions a year. Last year, 500.000 LGBT tourists came to Barcelona spending 480€ millions.

“We manage that tourism in the city can go shopping during Sunday thanks to Pride Barcelona. It is a celebration to claim LGBT rights, but also it has an important economic factor that is really positive for the city and to diversify tourism” Pride Barcelona Coordinator, Joan Igual, says.

Sunday 29th there will be Stores On The Street (located in Diputació st.). The organization wants to boost business in the area.

Some other Barcelona areas are interested in organizing special events because of Pride Barcelona 2014.

More than 30 associations arrange LGBT Pride in Barcelona, which is the most important in the Mediterranean area, more than the one in Marseille or Tel Aviv.

Maria Cristina avenue will be the meeting point of Pride Barcelona 2014. There will be the Village with more than 40 associations and companies, there will be sport activities and the Pride Kids. Saturday 28th there will be the most important activity, the Pride Parade. Other well known activities are: Heel Race, Pride BCN Drag Race and The Foam Party.

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The post Pride Barcelona 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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