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Pride Barcelona 2015

<p>[ June 18, 2015 to June 28, 2015. ] Pride Barcelona – Ten days of diversity with lots of activities as theatre, cinema, conferences, sport, commerce, leisure and more that will end the last weekend of June. Barcelona, Spain.</p> <p> Pride Barcelona es el esdeveniment gratuït mes gran per celebrar l'orgull LGTB del mediterrani!<br /> Pride Barcelona es el acontecimiento gratuito mas grande para celebrar el orgullo LGTB [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Pride Barcelona 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 18, 2015toJune 28, 2015

Pride Barcelona – Ten days of diversity with lots of activities as theatre, cinema, conferences, sport, commerce, leisure and more that will end the last weekend of June. Barcelona, Spain.

  • Pride Barcelona es el esdeveniment gratuït mes gran per celebrar l’orgull LGTB del mediterrani!
  • Pride Barcelona es el acontecimiento gratuito mas grande para celebrar el orgullo LGTB del mediterráneo! 
  • Pride Barcelona is the biggest party to celebrate the LGTB pride in all the Mediterranean!

Pride Barcelona 2015

  • Lluitar per la visibilitat i igualtat LGTB i celebrar les fites aconseguides fins ara!
  • Luchar por la visibilidad e igualdad LGTB y celebrar lo que hemos conseguido hasta ahora!
  • Fight for the LGTB visibility and equality, and celebrate all we have achieved so far!

Pride Barcelona 2015


To mark this year’s theme of Pride Barcelona is “Stop Bullying LGTBI, or at school or anywhere” and that bullying is the theme you focus in many parts of the agenda Pride this year, we launched the initiative “dressed in purple against Bullying” during the Pride Parade, inviting associations, political parties, businesses and the general public to view any garment of this color as a symbol of the fight against bullying.

This initiative began in 2010 when the GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), one of the most important associations within North America, established October 16 as #spiritday where the support shown to the LGBTI youth suffering bullying taking some This piece of clothing color during the day.

Historically, dwelling in the gay flag represents the spirit, the force that drives us to act on our way of being.

We want to continue this initiative by making the Pride Parade is filled with purple, demonstrating the strength of our spirit that lies above the harassment that many people suffer every day.

So, we invite you to during the Pride Parade worldwide view of this color and that you spend this initiative to your friends and family!

The post Pride Barcelona 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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