March 20, 2025

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Pride Voices – Matt Skallerud – PinkBananaMedia

Recently, we caught up with Matt Skallerud of As more and more companies embrace the LGBT demographic, how has their marketing changed in the last few years? I would say that a lot of LGBT marketing has begun to look more and more mainstream, yet still with a “gay” edge.  As our society has evolved over [...]

Recently, we caught up with Matt Skallerud of

As more and more companies embrace the LGBT demographic, how has their marketing changed in the last few years?

I would say that a lot of LGBT marketing has begun to look more and more mainstream, yet still with a “gay” edge.  As our society has evolved over the years, there is less of this sense of separation and uniqueness, and I believe that shows in marketing messages being less about simply showing skin (for gay male ads) , as well as a lessening of the use of rainbows and trying so hard to look so specifically gay.  Today’s LGBT marketing creative is becoming more about showing gays & lesbians as we truly are and how we live our lives… gay & lesbian couples openly together… gay 20-somethings being themselves and openly gay amongst their friends, etc.

When it comes to marketing strategy, a lot has changed, as the marketing disciplines of PR and advertising have come closer together into one more comprehensive and overall marketing message, and the tactics and formula have evolved to be much more inclusive of user-generated content (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter photos and videos brought together in a campaign using #hashtags), as well as social media marketing outreach in general.

What are they still missing?

It’s simply taking a while for companies large and small to fully understand the changes going on in marketing today, and how they can apply those changes to their marketing outreach while still remaining relevant and in-touch with their customers.  Some companies have not yet embraced the fact that their brand identity is now shared with their customer base… that it’s not just about what the company has to say… it’s also about what their customers are saying and sharing and commenting on and liking in social media.  Some companies get this concept, embrace it and create campaigns that involve their customer base (speaking “with” people) while some companies still believe in a more rigid and controlled marketing outreach and structure, whereby they are speaking “to” their customer base.

What is your favorite “gay” ad?

I still love the Amazon Kindle ad, where the guy is on the beach with a beautiful woman, and both of their husbands are at the bar ordering drinks.

What do you think of the Stoli boycott?

I get it, philosophically, but I think it’s sad that we just jumped on this anti-Russian bandwagon and picked the most obvious company marketing itself to gay people that appears the most Russian.  I think it was just rough on Stoli and allowed us to take our eye off of the main issue at hand, which is the Russian government’s policies themselves.  This week, what Obama is doing meeting with Russian gay activists seems to be much more effective at creating awareness of this issue, and hopefully evoking change in this unfortunate direction Russia has taken lately.

Can we really expect to be out travelers in countries like Russia?

I do believe we’ve gotten a little sidetracked on this issue, unfortunately.  I’ve traveled to Eastern Europe before, and from my experiences, along with those from others I know, nothing has really changed.  The Russian government IS making a statement that says if you’re really “out” there, both evangelizing gay life and simply being too obvious, then you can potentially have a problem… and this, I believe, is the core issue for most of us to consider and think about.  Most of us aren’t running around with pro-gay posters and rainbow stickers adorning our clothes, but it’s nice to know that in today’s world, in most urban areas at least, you can… you do have the option to be as out as you so choose.  I think for most of us, the idea that we’d have to retreat back into the closet again, just a bit… not holding hands or kissing in public, or perhaps looking too longingly at our significant other for fear we’d be outed and in trouble.  I think those are the core issues that rise to the surface for most of us, realizing that we’ve made such incredible strides and progress around the modern world, that to see us slip back, even just a bit, is disheartening and has caused such an uproar in the geo-political scene we have today.  Would I travel to Russia today?  If I had to go there for business, I’d go in a minute without fear… I’m in my mid-40s and have lived plenty of years being wary of not being too out.  But would I go there for pleasure, as a tourist?  Heck no… there are plenty of other destinations that are far more welcoming and embracing of diversity in all of its shapes and sizes.

What is the current value of gay spending and how does that impact politics and other social issues?

According to Witeck Communications and, the total buying power of the US LGBT population is projected at $790 billion in 2012.  I believe that impacts decisions companies make in both their marketing outreach to gays & lesbians, as well as their HR practices in how they treat their gay & lesbian employees.  When it comes to politics and social issues, I believe those changes are more impacted by the overall evolution of our society in being less tolerant of bigotry and discrimination in all of its’ forms.

Tell us about your seminars?

We’ve been doing these for several years now… our seminar series has been successful because we get up there in front of our audience and help educate them on some of the latest in online marketing techniques, without making it look like rocket science.  When they leave our seminar, they have the tools necessary to do much of their social media and SEO marketing techniques on their own.

How powerful is video?

Video will always be powerful, as we learn best from a good story being told, and video is a great way to tell a story.  In today’s world, we’re learning that a lot can be conveyed through a simple 6-second Vine video (and now a 15-second Instagram video), but overall, it’s YouTube that has shown the world the power of video, both from a professional point of view, as well as the user-generated videos that are so popular on YouTube today.  Harnessing all of this for a business is becoming the holy grail of online marketing today… how often have you heard someone say they hope their video goes viral!?

As a marketer, what is your take on Google+?

We’re taking more of a “wait and see” approach… we use it and post to it, but overall, it’s still just Google trying to leverage their business strength in areas that they aren’t really suited for.  I think once they realize that the world doesn’t need a Google version of Facebook, they’ll do much better in where they take Google+, along with some of their related technologies they roll out, test and either keep or retire.

Where can our readers learn more?

Our website is always a great start…  From there, we have links to our blog and LGBT business websites that are full of additional articles and stories related to the LGBT business and marketing world overall.


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