March 24, 2025

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Program Manager Fost-Adopt Program

<p>Family Builders by Adoption – Oakland, CA<br /> We currently have a full-time position open for a Program Manager for the Fost-Adopt Program. The Program Manager develops, implements and oversees all clinical and programmatic activities for the foster care and adoption programs. The Program Manager is a member of the leadership team and represents the agency internally [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Program Manager Fost-Adopt Program</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

Family Builders by AdoptionOakland, CA

We currently have a full-time position open for a Program Manager for the Fost-Adopt Program. The Program Manager develops, implements and oversees all clinical and programmatic activities for the foster care and adoption programs. The Program Manager is a member of the leadership team and represents the agency internally and externally.

The Program Manager will oversee child and family assessments and evaluations, the matching, placement, case management, and finalization process for children and families. The Program Manager will supervise case management and support to families and children, crisis intervention and ongoing social work to support foster and adoptive placements as needed. The Program Manager is responsible for the quality assurance and regulatory and standards compliance for all foster care and adoption services; as well as facilitating and implementing the accreditation process for the program.

Program Manager Fost-Adopt ProgramProgram Manager Fost-Adopt Program


MSW (LCSW) and five years of full time social work employment, and either three years of full time social work employment in the field of child welfare, OR two years of full time social work employment in a licensed FFA or adoption agency. Must have cultural competence in LGBT, African American and Latin@ communities. Must have a commitment to the mission of Family Builders by Adoption.

Family Builders offers an excellent benefit package including medical, dental, vision, acupuncture, chiropractic, mental health, pension, and a generous leave schedule.

Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter to Family Builders by Adoption, Attn: Office Manager, 401 Grand Ave., Suite 400, Oakland, CA 94610, fax (510) 272-0277 or email

About Family Builders

Family Builders is here to help find permanent, loving families for children and youth in the foster care system – that’s our only goal. We connect children with individuals and couples who can provide safe, stable, nurturing families. Our services are free and confidential, and include adoption, foster care, and other forms of permanency. We have experience working with all types of children, youth, and families.

Family Builders welcomes traditional families; single-parent families; both men and women; gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender families; transracial and multiracial families; and all other families as prospective adoptive parents. Family Builders is committed to serving all families equally with dignity and respect. We provide all services in English and Spanish and welcome monolingual Spanish-speaking families.

We do not discriminate on the basis of the fact or perception of a person’s race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, height, weight, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, domestic partner status, parental status, marital status, veteran status, genetic information, medical status or disability, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or HIV status.

Family Builders has been providing services and programs for children and families since 1976.

Our staff and board are made up of individuals who believe strongly that children have the right to a solid and loving family. We invite you to get to know who we are and to contact us to learn more about becoming a parent to child who needs a family.


*Family Builders is a member of the national Family Builders Adoption Network, the Child Welfare League of America, the California Association of Adoption Agencies, and the Adoption Exchange Association. We are also an accredited member of the California Alliance of Child and Family Services. Our services to families are free of charge.

 Program Manager Fost-Adopt Program

The post Program Manager Fost-Adopt Program appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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