December 22, 2024

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community. Interviews Transgender Author Toni Newman about her Book I Rise and being Transgender

 ( Los Angeles,  California – is telling stories of lgbt poets, writers, authors and people all across the United States who have fought their way out of the closet and are proud to be who they are today.  Telling stories of truth so that others can move forward and be proud of who they are as individuals and people  in society. was started by Theresa Goss and her partner to tell beautiful stories of lgbt people who are out and proud. Interviewed African-American Transgender Author Toni Newman about her Memoir I Rise-The Transformation of Toni Newman and how she overcame all the obstacles to become transgender and happy with herself today.    The inteview discusses the fear that Toni Newman had for many years and how that fear crippled her until she found the courage to stand and RISE.   Truth and honesty about Self is important but also needed for true happiness on this earth.
Listen to the Interview between Theresa Goss and Toni Newman ~ author of I Rise — The Transformation of Toni Newman the first memoir written in the 21st century by a member of the African American transgender community. Stops by

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