March 21, 2025

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<p>The National Center for Lesbian Rights<br /> The National Center for Lesbian Rights is now welcoming applications from current or incoming law firm associates who have been offered a “deferral” to work in public interest law for a period of time with financial support from their employer. The public interest associate would assist with all aspects of [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">PUBLIC POLICY ASSOCIATE NCLR</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

The National Center for Lesbian Rights

The National Center for Lesbian Rights is now welcoming applications from current or incoming law firm associates who have been offered a “deferral” to work in public interest law for a period of time with financial support from their employer. The public interest associate would assist with all aspects of NCLR’s national impact litigation, public policy, and educational work, acting in a role similar to that of NCLR staff attorneys at a level commensurate with the applicant’s experience as a practicing attorney.


The role of the public interest associate will involve some or all of the following work:

  • Participating in NCLR’s wide-ranging litigation docket, including, but not limited to, performing legal research, drafting pleadings, motions, briefs and other case-related documents, investigating and developing potential new matters; and participating in all aspects of NCLR’s legal advocacy work.
  • Analyzing potential legislation and other public regulations and policies.
  • Developing publications and other legal resources.

Some of the public interest associate’s time will also be devoted to providing legal information about LGBT civil rights issues to members of the community who contact NCLR’s legal information helpline.

One full-time position is available in NCLR’s National Office in San Francisco and one full-time position is available in NCLR’s Los Angeles office. Some travel is required.


Candidates must be current or incoming associates at law firms who will receive financial support and employment benefits, including health coverage, from their employer to work in-house at NCLR. Preference will be given to applicants who possess:

  • A demonstrated awareness of and commitment to a broad range of social and racial justice issues and an understanding of the multiple communities NCLR represents.
  • Enthusiasm for the work of the organization and its potential, including a demonstrated commitment to public interest legal advocacy.
  • A high level of independence and initiative, good judgment, and excellent communication skills.
  • Strong legal research and writing capabilities.
  • The ability to produce the highest caliber legal work, creativity, and a willingness to work with others toward the most effective strategies and initiatives to advance civil rights.
  • Minimum education or equivalent experience – Bachelor’s degree in communications or related discipline or equivalent work experience.
  • Minimum experience – one to two years working in communications and/or public relations.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, HTML code, media databases, such as Cision MediaSource, and Adobe Photoshop.
  • Familiarity with basics of overall media functions.
  • Excellent writing and organizational skills.
  • Acute attention to detail.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, and deadline-driven environment.
  • Excellent prioritization and time management skills with the ability to work on multiple tasks independently and/or with a team.
  • Excellent communication skills with the ability interact with all levels of staff in a small and friendly office environment, where each employee assumes multiple responsibilities.

Application Process

Email a brief statement of interest (including your potential start date and the length of your availability) and your resume to Ming Wong at

NCLR is proud to be an equal employment opportunity employer. All interested individuals, including people of color, women, persons with disabilities, and persons who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or intersex are particularly urged to apply.

Policy Clerk: Washington D.C.

Public Interest Associate

Legal Assistant

Law Clerk Position

C. Edwin Baker Clerkship



In 1977, a brave and determined woman, fresh out of law school and eager to make a difference, decided to put her knowledge to good use. As a legal scholar, Donna Hitchens saw the courtroom as a way to change the world. As a lesbian, she had experienced frustrations and fears—both personal and professional—and didn’t want others to suffer the same. As a future parent, she knew she would face even more challenges ahead.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights was born. Today, that pioneering spirit and unwavering commitment to advance LGBT equality continues. NCLR’s programs focus on employment, immigration, youth, elder law, transgender law, sports, marriage, relationship protections, reproductive rights, and family law create safer homes, safer jobs, and a more just world.

Each year, NCLR shapes the legal landscape for all LGBT people and families across the nation through its precedent- setting litigation, legislation, policy, and public education.

For more than three decades, NCLR has led historic cases, and it is still blazing trails in pursuit of justice, fairness, and legal protections for all LGBT people.


Founded: 1977

Mission: NCLR is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education.

What We Do: NCLR is a non-profit, public interest law firm that litigates precedent-setting cases at the trial and appellate court levels; advocates for equitable public policies affecting the LGBT community; provides free legal assistance to LGBT people and their legal advocates; and conducts community education on LGBT issues.

Who We Serve: NCLR serves more than 5,000 LGBT people and their families throughout the United States each year, including LGBT parents, seniors, immigrants, athletes, and youth.

Our Impact: NCLR’s legal, policy, and legislative victories set important precedents that improve the lives of all LGBT people and their families across the country. Our free legal assistance empowers individuals to assert their own legal rights. Our community and public education broadens public support for LGBT equality.

Projects and Legal Issue Areas Include: Asylum & Immigration; Elders; Employment; Family & Relationships; Federal Legislation & Policy; State Legislation & Policy; Hate Crimes; Healthcare; Housing; Low Income & Poverty; Prisons; Rural Communities; Sports; Transgender Law; and Youth.

Read NCLR’s End Statements.

Our Financials
Our 2013 budget was $5 million, 85% of which is spent directly on our legal programs and services. As for our revenue, 75% of our annual budget is raised from individual donors, with major gifts of $1,500 or more making up about 40% of our total income. Additional funding comes from foundations and corporations, along with pro-bono services contributed by co-counsel.

Explore NCLR’s Financials.

The post PUBLIC POLICY ASSOCIATE NCLR appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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