March 21, 2025

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Queer San Francisco on Film

The Making of a New Film on Queer San Francisco: Three Programs Spotlight Michelle Tea‘s “Valencia”    San Francisco –  A special three-part program coming up June 20 through 26 at The GLBT History Museum will feature filmmakers who brought Michelle Tea’s award-winning autobiographical novel Valencia to the screen. The film, also titled Valencia, premieres on [...]
The Making of a New Film on Queer San Francisco: Three Programs Spotlight Michelle Tea‘s “Valencia”   

San Francisco –  A special three-part program coming up June 20 through 26 at The GLBT History Museum will feature filmmakers who brought Michelle Tea’s award-winning autobiographical novel Valencia to the screen. The film, also titled Valencia, premieres on June 21 at the Frameline festival in San Francisco. Tea produced the film in collaboration with Hilary Goldberg, bringing together 18 filmmakers, each of whom created a short based on a chapter from the book.

At the museum, Tea will join the filmmakers in discussing pre- and post-gentrification San Francisco, nostalgia and fantasy, activism and desire, debauchery and subversion — and how they are represented in the film. The panels are set for 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Admission: $5.00 (general); $3.00 (California students); free for members.

Thursday, June 20  |  What Were the Queer ’90s?
A discussion of the influence of San Francisco’s 1990s queer life on the city’s GLBT community today. The panel includes Valencia filmmakers who were and were not around for the 1990s party: Aubree Bernier-Clarke, Lares Feliciano, Silas Howard, Alexa Shae and Samuael Topiary.

Monday, June 24  |  My Michelle
A look at choices made by Valencia filmmakers who cast outside the box for their vision of the character of Michelle, using claymation buffalo, blow-up dolls, drag queens and Angelina Jolie; with Jerry Lee Abram, Cheryl Dunye, Hilary Goldberg, Chris Vargas and Greg Youmans.

Wednesday, June 26  |  Debauchery and Romance in Valencia
An exploration of the highs and lows of portraying debauchery on screen, as well as the uses of hedonism in life and art; with Bug Davidson, Michelle Lawlor, Sara St. Martin Lynne, Sharon Rubenstein and Courtney Trouble.

For more information on the film Valencia, visit

The GLBT History Museum is located at 4127 18th St. in San Francisco’s Castro District. Open since January 2011, it is the first full-scale, stand-alone museum of its kind in the United States. Currently featured in the Main Gallery is a long-term exhibition: “Our Vast Queer Past: Celebrating San Francisco’s GLBT History.” The Front Gallery and Corner Gallery spaces present changing exhibitions.
The museum is a project of the GLBT Historical Society, a research center and archives that collects, preserves and interprets the history of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and the communities that support them. Founded in 1985, the society maintains one of the world’s largest collections of GLBT historical materials.
For more information on The GLBT History Museum, visit
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