March 18, 2025

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Red State Freedom Tour

<p>San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus responds to the election results by announcing a tour to support the LGBTQ community in RED states. Like many of you, the 300+ members of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus family – singers, staff and volunteers – have, along with the entire LGBTQ community, spent the last few days<a href="">[...]</a></p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Red State Freedom Tour</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
Red State Freedom TourSan Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus responds to the election results by announcing a tour to support the LGBTQ community in RED states.

Like many of you, the 300+ members of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus family – singers, staff and volunteers – have, along with the entire LGBTQ community, spent the last few days navigating our collective way through feelings of shock and despair. Rather than succumbing to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, we’ve asked, “what can we do to make a difference?”

In response to the recent presidential election and the voices of the so-called “silent majority,” SFGMC will pursue a “Red State Freedom Tour” in the summer of 2018.

While the exact itinerary has not been determined, it is our plan to go on a whistle-stop tour through those states where the LGBTQ community is struggling, and likely feeling even further marginalized after the election results. We hope our presence and our music will encourage our brothers and sisters, educate others and challenge those communities to think differently.

The tour will cap off our monumental 40th Season and commemorate how SFGMC launched the global LGBTQ choral movement in 1978. We can think of no better way to use our time, talent, resources and energy than to take our message through music to those who need it most. We, as a country, have a long road to travel, and we believe this tour is a step in the right direction that will build bridges of understanding, compassion, and empathy.


To launch this 2018 Outreach tour, we’re sharing with you a live video, featuring “Light” from Next to Normal.
You’ve heard us perform this song many times over the last few years, and we hope it will bring you some solace in this turbulent week. “Light” is a song that has brought us comfort in dark times. It is our hope it will do that again, for you.

The post Red State Freedom Tour appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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