March 27, 2025

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Research Associate GLSEN

<p>GLSEN – New York, NY<br /> Work as a critical member of the Research Department to develop and execute all areas of GLSEN’s research program, which provides insight into lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues in K-12 education, and evaluates the efficacy of GLSEN programs and recommended interventions.<br /> Research Associate GLSEN<br /> Responsibilities:<br /> Assist with management of GLSEN’s current [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Research Associate GLSEN</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>


Work as a critical member of the Research Department to develop and execute all areas of GLSEN’s research program, which provides insight into lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues in K-12 education, and evaluates the efficacy of GLSEN programs and recommended interventions.

Research Associate GLSENResearch Associate GLSEN


Assist with management of GLSEN’s current research studies that include both original primary research related to LGBT issues in K-12 education and evaluation research of GLSEN’s programs and initiatives.

  • Develop and maintain subject databases
  • Assist in creating and maintaining data sets
  • Recruit and track research participants
  • Code and enter data obtained from subjects
  • Assist in collecting data, including survey, interview and focus group data

Assist with development and design of new research, including primary research and evaluation research.

  • Perform literature reviews and library research
  • Assist in research design for new projects
  • Assist in designing survey instruments and interview protocols and creating code books
  • Assist in design and execution of research subject recruitment strategies (including traditional and social media outreach)
  • Assist with applications to and coordination of GLSEN’s Research Ethics Review Committee

Assist with preparation and presentation of GLSEN’s research findings and summaries of other relevant research for internal and external audiences.

  • Assist in quantitative and qualitative data analysis
  • Draft and edit sections of research reports, briefs, journal articles and other presentation material for internal and external audiences.
  • Participate in presentations to internal and external audiences, including conference presentations and webinars
  • Disseminate research findings and information about the Research Department through traditional and social media channels (including GLSEN’s website, twitter, and email listserves)
  • Participate in developing, updating, and maintaining a knowledge base of the current social science literature regarding LGBT issues in education

Provide technical assistance to GLSEN staff and key stakeholders to promote GLSEN’s mission.

  • Respond to external requests for information about GLSEN’s research and to other research questions regarding LGBT issues and education
  • Respond to internal requests for research results and statistical information of use to GLSEN’s communications, policy, and programmatic efforts
  • Other duties as assigned

Required skills:

  • Master’s degree in Public Health, Education, Psychology, Social Sciences, Social Work, or related field and 2+ years of work experience, preferably in a research position
  • Experience conducting quantitative research and performing statistical analysis
  • Familiarity with qualitative research methods (preferably experience conducting qualitative research, such as focus groups, interviews, and coding of qualitative data)
  • Experience managing datasets
  • Knowledge of multivariate statistics and familiarity using data analytic software for analysis, preferably SPSS
  • Familiarity with LGBT issues (preferably LGBT issues in education or LGBT youth issues)
  • Familiarity with educational or other social science research, research methods and program evaluation
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office, particularly Excel, Word, and Power Point
  • Excellent written and oral presentation skills
  • Ability to adapt and translate academic studies and research for lay audiences
  • Organizational skills and ability to work as part of a team
  • Attention to detail and ability to multi-task
  • Commitment to GLSEN’s mission and goals

Resumes and letter of interest should be submitted to: with “RA” in the subject line faxed to 646-388-8060 or mailed to HR-RA, GLSEN, 90 Broad Street, 2nd floor, New York, NY 10004

GLSEN is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We strongly encourage people of color, of diverse gender identities, women and non-LGBT persons to apply.

Research Associate GLSEN

The post Research Associate GLSEN appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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