September 7, 2024

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

REVIEW – A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline: Stage West recalls the career of a trailblazer

Despite a brief career before her death on March 5th, 1963 in a plane crash, Patsy Cline’s influence is felt in music even today. Songs like Crazy and I Fall to Pieces are instantly recognizable. A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline has been performed a...
Despite a brief career before her death on March 5th, 1963 in a plane crash, Patsy Cline’s influence is felt in music even today. Songs like Crazy and I Fall to Pieces are instantly recognizable. A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline has been performed around the world since Vancouver’s Dean Reagan debuted his creation in 1991. Stage West brings Cline’s story to the stage until September1st.
Part musical revue, part sketch comedy, A Closer Walk with Patsy...

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