September 16, 2024

Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network – LGBTQ News And Press Release Syndication. Connecting Gay News Media Worldwide Since Nov. 2001, Over 20 Yrs Serving the Gay Community.

REVIEW – Marilyn Manson Shines in The Darkness at Calgary Concert

The Antichrist Superstar. The Pale Emperor. The man who was so feared that his Calgary concert in 1997 was cancelled. Or just call him Marilyn Manson. The iconic shock rocker took a break from his current tour with Five Finger Death Punch to play a hea...
Marilyn MansonThe Antichrist Superstar. The Pale Emperor. The man who was so feared that his Calgary concert in 1997 was cancelled. Or just call him Marilyn Manson. The iconic shock rocker took a break from his current tour with Five Finger Death Punch to play a headlining set at the Grey Eagle on August 24th.
Returning to Calgary for the first time since 2013, Manson sold out the event centre with an audience comprised of a variety of ages and types, all ready to revel in the aggression and angst that has been part of our collective playlists...

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