June 21, 2014 |
Salisbury Pride – Salisbury, NC
The fourth annual Salisbury Pride Festival begins @ 11 with live music, food, dancing, vendors, and too much more to list!
Salisbury Pride 2014
Salisbury Pride Mission Statement
Salisbury Pride, Inc. builds safe inclusive communities in Rowan County and the surrounding areas with an emphasis on acceptance and valuing individuals of all sexual orientations or gender identities by: providing opportunities for positive visibility in and around the community; providing a safe environment that permits the expression of diverse perspectives; and education for the purpose of cultivating harmony within the community.
We Seek To
- Create opportunities for integrating and promoting visibility for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning community.
- Provide safe opportunities and venues for people to celebrate their sexual orientation and gender identities.
- Foster the support and development of community groups.
- Promote human and civil rights.
- Work against prejudice and discrimination.
- Promote harmony among the community-at-large.
#ChangeYourMindWoodsonMayor Woodson declined our request for an official Pride Day but Salisbury Pride will go on without it! Read the Salisbury Post article here. Each year dedicated individuals and the community work hard to have a festival free from hate where all people can celebrate diversity inclusively and openly.

The post Salisbury Pride 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.
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