March 21, 2025

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San Gabriel Valley Pride 2013

[ September 28, 2013; ] Pasadena, CA San Gabriel Valley Pride San Gabriel Valley Pride began in 2001 with a small group of volunteers eager to unite the LGBT Community in the San Gabriel Valley and surrounding areas. We began as a small picnic in the park and have since grown into an official non-profit charitable organization. We offer a different type of [...]
September 28, 2013

Pasadena, CA

San Gabriel Valley Pride

San Gabriel Valley Pride began in 2001 with a small group of volunteers eager to unite the LGBT Community in the San Gabriel Valley and surrounding areas. We began as a small picnic in the park and have since grown into an official non-profit charitable organization.

We offer a different type of opportunity to celebrate LGBT Pride no matter what generation of the family a person is from. The San Gabriel Valley Pride event is very different from larger urban Pride celebrations. As a community event, San Gabriel Valley Pride will continue to be free and open to all.

Strengthening Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender families. It’s good for our families and good for our communities.

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