March 22, 2025

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Saskatoon Pride 2015

<p>[ June 7, 2015 to June 14, 2015. ] Saskatoon Pride – The Saskatoon Pride Festival, hosted by the Saskatoon Diversity Network (SDN), is an annual week-long festival providing an accessible space in which to celebrate queerness, fostering community pride, and raising awareness of queer culture within the larger community. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.</p> <p>Pride is our opportunity to stand, walk, march and celebrate the people we [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Saskatoon Pride 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 7, 2015toJune 14, 2015

Saskatoon Pride – The Saskatoon Pride Festival, hosted by the Saskatoon Diversity Network (SDN), is an annual week-long festival providing an accessible space in which to celebrate queerness, fostering community pride, and raising awareness of queer culture within the larger community. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Saskatoon Pride 2015

Pride is our opportunity to stand, walk, march and celebrate the people we were and are as an LGBTQ community united. We plan to bring you a festival that not only has you proud to be a part of our community but gives you the chance to say” Look At Us Now”. DANNY PAPADATOS – Chair of SDN
Danny Papadatos was named Mr. Gay Canada 2013. The judges of the competition said his passion for making a safer, more inclusive space for all people, along with his strong leadership skills, made him a natural choice. Danny’s positive attitude is contagious – a perfect example of Saskatoon’s spirited energy.

Saskatoon Pride 2015

The Saskatoon Diversity Network showcases queer culture through the organization of a Pride Festival, and strives toward building equality, sustainability, and a supportive community.

The Saskatoon Diversity Network (SDN) is a volunteer-driven non-profit organization which serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender, transsexual, inter-sex, two-spirit, queer, and questioning community, family, and supporters. We exist to raise awareness of queer community and culture by facilitating, organizing, promoting, and presenting a queer pride festival.

The SDN cultivates community support and partnership within and outside of the queer community; we encourage and promote involvement in SDN, the festival, and the queer community by individuals and organizations. SDN is committed to a network of pride organizations on a regional, national, and international level.

SDN values professionalism, accountability, and transparency in its operations. SDN is non-discriminatory; we embrace LGBTTI2QQ people of all races, cultures, ages, sizes, abilities, sexes, genders, orientations, relationships, economic groups, and affiliations. We acknowledge and value the contributions of all our volunteers, members, and supporters.

Saskatoon Pride 2015

The post Saskatoon Pride 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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