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Schwule Filmwoche Freiburg 2013

[ May 2, 2013 to May 5, 2013. ] Freiburg, Germany Schwule Filmwoche Freiburg Greetings for the 28th Edition of the gay film festival Freiburg! What would the spring without this essential fragrance brand of gay culture in the cinema Kandelhof? Nothing! And the whole thing is totally independent of the weather! After our fantastic Christmas movie weekend course we were required to put together a good [...]
May 2, 2013toMay 5, 2013

Freiburg, Germany

Schwule Filmwoche Freiburg

Greetings for the 28th Edition of the gay film festival Freiburg!

What would the spring without this essential fragrance brand of gay culture in the cinema Kandelhof? Nothing! And the whole thing is totally independent of the weather!

After our fantastic Christmas movie weekend course we were required to put together a good program for the film week. The result is a very mixed bag of gay cinema from (almost) every corner of the earth.

We start not really gay, because at the opening film at our French Tomboy Wednesday 2 May, it is about a little girl who wants to be a boy and that translates into action. As usual there to celebrate the day of champagne for all. And sing on top of it as a delicacy Queer flutes!

This year we were able to really draw on unlimited resources. Rarely has there been so many gay films to choose from. So we are at about the many good movies music not come by sheer. Finally, we opted for the rousing musical Leave It On The Floor. And for off beat, which plays in the Zurich rap scene. (! Loose it would have been enough for two short film programs) among the many high-quality short films this year are two great musicals: Skallamann from Norway and The Man That Got Away from Canada.

Similarly, among the documentaries. Detlef has managed to program it. The very personal portrait of one of the main fighters for gay rights in the seventies in West Germany We’re delighted that Detlef Stoffel and director Stefan Westerwelle will be at the screening on Tuesday our guests!

In cooperation with the university group of Amnesty International Freiburg we present Call Me Kuchu, a film about the excessive homophobia in Uganda including thematic introduction and subsequent Q & A session.

The two documentaries are the focus on human rights in this year’s film week – together with the Turkish Zenne Dancer. This quite mainstream-compatible feature film tells a true story about the honor killing of a gay man in Istanbul.

Gay and science fiction that does not fit together! Or? The roaring comic sitcom Outland from Australia comes to the rebuttal. Are the six completed episodes, we show in two parts – a real highlight!

For lovers lighter fare with fun factor, we also have some brightly colored comedies on offer: including four more years and Let My People Go. To preview (before the official premiere in Germany in summer) of men to smooch we expect as a guest star and co-producer Udo Lutz, who plays Sascia Haj and cameraman Till Caspar.

All who are more fond of the more sophisticated division are, for example appear in the teddy-2012 Winner Keep The Lights On their money. The quiet German strips Westerland (director Tim Season will be present) shows a very unusual side of Sylt. My Brother The Devil makes clear in an interesting and disturbing how hard being gay in the poorer outskirts of London is. And Noordzee, Texas from Belgium is aptly described with just two words: beautiful.

Like last year presents Sebastian tear fresh pearls gay literature – without canvas: The 9th Eight gay books in the film week, this time on the final day.

And hold you definitely free the night of Friday to Saturday! And possibly even the Saturday morning. The Film Week Party Cine.Dance increases this year in the club Kamikaze.

You see, it is worth it! The more the ticket, with which you can experience absolute record-breaking total of 22 performances plus eight books.

See you there!
Gay Film Festival Freiburg

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