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Shanghai Pride 2013

[ June 14, 2013 to June 22, 2013. ] Shanghai, China Shanghai Pride Shanghai 1st June, 2013 – This year’s Shanghai Pride Week, titled Pride5 in recognition of its fifth anniversary, will take place from 14th to 22nd June. A week-long string of events has been planned to boost the LGBT’s community position in China and raise awareness around LGBT themes including marriage equality, sexual health and societal acceptance. Run by [...]
June 14, 2013toJune 22, 2013

Shanghai, China

Shanghai Pride

Shanghai 1st June, 2013 – This year’s Shanghai Pride Week, titled Pride5 in recognition of its fifth anniversary, will take place from 14th to 22nd June. A week-long string of events has been planned to boost the LGBT’s community position in China and raise awareness around LGBT themes including marriage equality, sexual health and societal acceptance. Run by volunteers from the not-for-profit group, ShanghaiLGBT and other NGOs, Pride5 is expected to bring thousands of people together at a multitude of fun social and advocacy events.

以往骄傲周的各种派对让骄傲节在大家眼中成为了“派对周”的代名词。今年的骄傲周,组织者精心纳入了更多严谨的话题元素。例如,探讨婚姻平等就是其中之一。当前,北京和上海地区支持同性婚姻的人数比例仅占接受调研人士的30%左右,Pride 5决定以此话题为契机,探讨如何在更广泛的公众群体中提升对于同性婚姻平等问题的关注。届时,Pride5将举行两场座谈会,关注同志人群在工作场所遭遇的歧视问题和同性婚姻权利。

While retaining many of the activities that have made Pride Week a synonym for ‘Party Week’ among the LGBT and friends community, organisers are determined to incorporate more serious elements into this year’s Pride. Marriage equality will be one of these elements; with support for gay marriage hovering at around 30% in Beijing and Shanghai,Pride5 will discuss ways to raise and promote the issue among the wider public and politicians. To that end Pride5 will feature two panel discussions on workplace discrimination and gay marriage.

骄傲周中的“上海同志电影节”也被寄予厚望,组织者们希望通过几年的努力,让这一活动成为内地最大规模的同志电影节。此次骄傲节展映的作品,已从本地制作的电影中甄选出。在骄傲节的开幕与闭幕之际,都分别有LGBT主题的戏剧表演前后呼应,而在骄傲周临近尾声时,也将有一场本地新生代LGBT艺术家的作品展览。开幕与闭幕派对预计将一如既往地吸引到最多的参与者;去年,超过800人参加了在Mi Tierra餐厅举行的闭幕派对。组织者期望今年将有更多的人士参与其中。

Organisers are also hoping to boost interest in Shanghai’s Gay Film Festival which will be held during Pride Week. Their aim is to make it the largest gay film festival in the region within a few years and they are already reviewing locally produced films to screen. Sandwiching the week at both the beginning and end will be LGBT-themed theatre performances and then towards the end of the week there will be an art exhibition featuring work by local up-and-coming LGBT artists. As usual, the opening and closing parties are expected to draw the biggest crowds; last year over 800 people attended the closing party which was held at Mi Tierra and organisers are hoping for an even bigger turnout this year.

“与往届相比,今年的骄傲节将会是规模最大也最具趣味的,我们对此非常乐观。更为重要的是,它也会成为迄今内容最充实的一届。”志愿者之一Dylan Chen说,“我们更进一步地关注平等、社会支持与性健康等议题,并希望能以比以往更富意义的方式让人们聚集到一起。我们需要勇敢地直面那些困扰我们已久的问题,并齐心协力,为社会公益分享我们的经验与知识。”

“We’re very optimistic that this year will be the biggest and most fun Pride yet, but more importantly it will be the most significant in terms of content,” said Dylan Chen. “With a greater focus on equality, advocacy and sexual health we hope that we can bring together people in a more meaningful way than we have done in the past. It’s time to stop being afraid of confronting the issues that seemed daunting to us before, it’s time for us to come together as a community and share our experiences and knowledge for the benefit of our society.”


ShanghaiPRIDE is a non-profit event run entirely by volunteers. The organizers would be delighted to hear from anyone with time, donations or something to auction for the raffles. If you are able to help, please email shanghaipride@gmail.com with your details.



The first ShanghaiPRIDE came into being with a bang in 2009, thanks to the tireless commitment of a small group of volunteers. Their hope was, and still remains, that ShanghaiPRIDE can raise the awareness and visibility of the LGBT community in China and thereby increase acceptance and tolerance.


ShanghaiPRIDE is a diverse and colorful celebration of all that’s great about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered. In a country where only a tiny slice of the estimated 50 million LGBT people are out to themselves and others, ShanghaiPRIDE is a poignant reminder that a lot of progress still needs to be made in Chinese society to help people feel comfortable with the way they were born.

This year proceeds from ShanghaiPRIDE goes to support Beijing Zuo You Information Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to the eradication of violence and discrimination against MSM/transgender sex workers in the Beijing area because of their profession and the promotion of their equal rights. Its work also includes areas such as LGBT cultural development, gender/sexuality culture education, rights advocacy within the LGBT community and HIV/AIDS education and care services.

For more info, go to http://www.shpride.com/beneficiary2013/


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