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Sheffield Pride 2014

<p>[ June 28, 2014; ] Sheffield Pride - Sheffield, England<br /> Think noise, think colours, think celebration, think positive impact. As with the main event on Devonshire Green, the parade is your opportunity to show your colours, as participants are encouraged to come sporting the colour of the LGBT rainbow that best represents them.</p> <p>Sheffield Pride 2014<br /> NO MORE HATE – Red represents [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Sheffield Pride 2014</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 28, 2014

Sheffield Pride – Sheffield, England

Think noise, think colours, think celebration, think positive impact. As with the main event on Devonshire Green, the parade is your opportunity to show your colours, as participants are encouraged to come sporting the colour of the LGBT rainbow that best represents them.

Sheffield Pride 2014

NO MORE HATE – Red represents braking down prejudice
INCLUSIVITY – Orange promotes everyone together as one
CELEBRATION – Yellow symbolizes our achievements
LGBT YOUTH – Green is supporting the future LGBT communities
FREEDOM – Blue denotes being who you want to be
TRANS – Purple signifies life without restrictions

Sheffield Pride 2014

Sheffield Pride is taking place on the 28th June 2014. Come join us in the City Centre along with over 12,000 others to show your colours and show your pride.

What does Pride mean to you
Our Community?!

There are a large number of organisations working across the city promoting and supporting the LGBT Community. It’s thanks to this Sheffield can call itself one of the most safest and welcoming cities in the UK.

Check out some of the videos from last year’s Sheffield Pride Parade which saw over 5000 people from our community come together to celebrate equal marriage legislation.

Against The Wall is back. One of the UK’s largest LGBT club nights returns for one night only. With a venue capacity of over 1,800 and playing host to some of the UK’s biggest DJ’s, get ready for a night to remember!

This year sees Against The Wall going head-to-head with Climax – Yorkshires No1 clubbing experience at Foundry and Fusion. Who will be crowned champion? It’s down to you to decide. With 2 rooms of music ranging from the latest commercial dance, pop classics and Climax favourites to something a bit more heavy, We’ve got it all.

Running from 10:30pm – 3am, Against the Wall is the Official Sheffield Pride Afterparty. Don’t accept anything less. This is always a sell out event so remember to get your ticket in advance before they all disappear.

The post Sheffield Pride 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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