December 22, 2024

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Stonewall launches new guide for international equality activists

<p>Stonewall today launches a guide for equality activists worldwide on how to engage with the UK Government. <a href="">Continue Reading <span>→</span></a></p><p></p>The post appeared first on <a title="" href="" target="_blank"></a>.

Stonewall today launches a guide for equality activists worldwide on how to engage with the UK Government.

It provides the practical information they need to work effectively with the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office and the Department for International Development to advance the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in their countries.

The guide, being sent to over 1500 activists as well as British High Commissions and Embassies around the world, features case studies of how the UK Government has supported LGB and T activists to date. Stonewall has worked with activists in over 35 countries worldwide since 2011 to support them in their own campaigns and share their expertise from over two decades of campaigning.

Stonewall’s Senior International Officer Jasmine O’Connor said: ‘We know from our work with dozens of LGB & T organisations globally that they look to the UK as a beacon of gay equality and therefore a key ally in their own campaigns for fundamental rights. The UK Government has said it wants to work with activists in their own countries and we hope that this guide will help bring activists and the UK Government together on the ground.’

The guide, which is free to download, and further details of Stonewall’s work with international LGB and T activists can be found at:

The post appeared first on

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