March 17, 2025

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Support the Lavender Pen Tour

<p>San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus  San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus will kick off our 40th Season by embarking on a soul-affirming, life-changing journey! The Lavender Pen Tour will share SFGMC’s mission of community, activism and compassion throughout the South, supporting our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters and promoting acceptance and love through music. It is our […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Support the Lavender Pen Tour</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>

San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus 

San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus will kick off our 40th Season by embarking on a soul-affirming, life-changing journey! The Lavender Pen Tour will share SFGMC’s mission of community, activism and compassion throughout the South, supporting our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters and promoting acceptance and love through music.

It is our hope that the music will encourage LGBTQ+ people and our allies to come together, provoke conversations and action around civil liberties for all, while raising funds for local LGBT organizations.

Learn more:

The Lavender Pen Tour
10/08/2017 | Jackson, MS – Thalia Mara Hall
10/10/2017 | Birmingham, AL – Alys Stephens Center
10/11/2017 | Knoxville, TN – Knoxville Civic Auditorium
10/13/2017 | Greenville, SC – First Baptist Church
10/14/2017 | Charlotte, NC – Ovens Auditorium

When history looks back at 2017, what will be remembered? Will we remember presidential tweets and violence in Charlottesville? Or will we remember the way we came together as a community to support human rights and civil liberties? At the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, we remember the challenges, and we’ll also remember how your support empowered us to respond to bigotry with the Lavender Pen Tour.

Due to recent developments in Charlottesville, Boston, and Phoenix, and the violence of white supremacists, significantly more security will be needed to safeguard our Chorus members and supporters. A stronger security presence at our concert venues throughout the South will also be required. We are currently re-crafting our strategic security plan for the entire tour. In order to implement this strategy,  we need your help.

Support the Lavender Pen Tour

We have received an incredibly generous matching gift. Every dollar raised in the next 30 days will be matched, up to $30,000.

We need your help to raise $30,000 in the next 30 days!

Thank you for supporting the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. We hope you’ve been moved by all the stories from the Lavender Pen Tour we’ve shared and the courage that continues to be displayed by our community partners in the South.

Together, we can push forward on the path towards equality. As you know, the tour is a major financial undertaking. Please, give generously – your donation will indeed make a difference in many, many lives.

Donate Today!


Support the Lavender Pen Tour

The post Support the Lavender Pen Tour appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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