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Tel Aviv Gay Pride 2014

<p>[ June 8, 2014 to June 14, 2014. ] Tel Aviv Gay Pride - Tel Aviv, Israel<br /> With a gay scene that competes with all gay capitals around the globe, an amazing beach, good weather, great food and other attractions in the country like Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv is definitely a place you should check out for your next trip.</p> <p>Tel Aviv [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Tel Aviv Gay Pride 2014</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 8, 2014toJune 14, 2014

Tel Aviv Gay Pride Tel Aviv, Israel

With a gay scene that competes with all gay capitals around the globe, an amazing beach, good weather, great food and other attractions in the country like Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv is definitely a place you should check out for your next trip.

Tel Aviv Gay Pride 2014

Tel Aviv Gay Pride 2014It is a well known fact that Tel Aviv has become one of the main gay metropolitans of the world. Some even say that in certain aspects (probably the craziness and loudness), Tel Aviv is even a competitor to cities like Berlin or New York.

The annual event will start at 10am with a big happening in Me’ir Park (Gan Me’ir), with music, drag shows and speeches. The parade will kick off with specially designed floats, marching groups uplifting music and countless participants and spectators. Departing from the garden – this years parade route will take you up to Charles Clore beach (In front of David Intercontinental Hotel) – where the famous beach party will be held from 3pm till sunset.

This is the 16th year that the parade has been taking place – The tradition began in 1998 with just a couple of hundred partiers, and has grown rapidly into an event with over 100,000 participants that seems to get wetter and wilder every year.

Tel Aviv gay parade

This year the parade will start from Gan Meir, where a brand new and one of a kind center for the gay community of TLV was recently open. The gathering at the center will include lots of very loud music, some activity booths and even a performance by the official youth gay band of Tlv. This has just got to be a funny sight.

The actual parade will begin with a kick off from Ron Huldai’s who is the mayor of Tlv (who I have kind of a soft spot for since he used to be my high school principal…). The parade will continue into Bugrashov St., turn e to Ben Yehuda St. from there, then turn to Ben Gurion Blvd. and straight to Gordon beach, where the insanity will then take over.

Tel Aviv gay parade

From my previous experiences, you should definitely bring your bathing suit (or any other kind of minimal wear you’re kinky mind can think of) because once the parade hits the beach you will be in the water in no time.
As I said in the beginning, we just have to admit that us straight folk don’t know how to really party and we need some help from our gay friends. The beauty of this event is that it brings together all sorts of people with only one agenda on their mind: fun!!!


The post Tel Aviv Gay Pride 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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