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The Lesbian Conference

<p>[ June 21, 2014; ] The Lesbian Conference is a gathering of women who love women focused on the topics of interest to this large and growing community. It's a great place to network make new friends as well as hear from exciting speakers.</p> <p>The Lesbian Conference<br /> A unique and exciting event for women who love women.<br /> The Lesbian Conference is a unique [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Lesbian Conference</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
June 21, 2014

The Lesbian Conference is a gathering of women who love women focused on the topics of interest to this large and growing community. It’s a great place to network make new friends as well as hear from exciting speakers.

The Lesbian Conference

A unique and exciting event for women who love women.

The Lesbian ConferenceThe Lesbian Conference is a unique event designed and organized for the growing and collaborative lesbian community. We have our own issues and concerns and this conference aims to determine what potential attendees was to hear for an interesting, exciting and educational experience. We’ll talk about our history, how we got here and where we will go in the future and touch on topics such as health, laws, family planning, technology, other events supporting the community and how we can learn and grow together. Have a topic you would like to add, send it to us today!

The Lesbian Conference is a focused event, in the planning stages now, for lesbian. Yes, we are a gay friendly organization, but we will develop an agenda for this unique event with input from lesbians, what they what to hear, speakers and events of interest and much more.

Think TedX for lesbians. A unique event where by day attendees are learning, growing, networking and collaborating then by night attendees are partying, dancing or just hanging out with the many new friends from around the globe.

As we are in the planning phase of The Lesbian Conference right now, we welcome your submission to be considered as a speaker at the event. Please tell us a bit about yourself and complete the form below. As we are looking for a range of speakers that are focused on topics of interest to lesbians, these can include lesbian literature, technology, motivational topics, activism, health-related issues, entertainment and much more.  Thanks for your interest and your submission. Feel free to send an e-mail with any questions via the contact page.

The Lesbian Conference is looking for volunteers as we prepare for the event in 2014 (location to be announced). Initially we are looking for some help with research, programming, possibly some small design projects and then pre-show and on-site support. If you would like to get involved in an interesting project programmed for lesbians, drop us a note with details on how you would like to help. We very much appreciate your involvement, as you have a few extra hours in your week, and it will certainly help the overall project.

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The post The Lesbian Conference appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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