March 24, 2025

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Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement

<p> Announces the Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement in 2018 Retirement can be one of the most exciting and enjoyable phases of any person’s life. This marks a time where seniors can enjoy their family, their hobbies and make new friends and relationships—it is also a time for seniors to move to a new […]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p> Announces the Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement in 2018

Retirement can be one of the most exciting and enjoyable phases of any person’s life. This marks a time where seniors can enjoy their family, their hobbies and make new friends and relationships—it is also a time for seniors to move to a new city and find a comfortable place to call home. For many seniors, finding this new city can be more challenging than it seems.

Finding the “right city” is different for every senior, but for many seniors in the LGBT community, it also means finding a place that is LGBT-friendly. The transition after retirement can be difficult for any senior, particularly those who are transgendered, gay or bisexual. The right city can make a huge difference in this transition. So, what does a Senior LGBT-Friendly city look like?

Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement

According to SeniorAdvice, one of the country’s top senior housing referral services, it includes a number of factors. When ranking their top cities, the senior-housing authority looked at many factors, including the following:

  • Total LGBT population in the area
  • Cost of living
  • Available social activities
  • Number of festivals
  • Weather
  • Quality of healthcare
  • Number of pharmacies and hospitals
  • Presence of LGBT members in Chamber of Commerce
  • Number of gay-friendly senior communities
  • Local and state legislations that protect LGBT community

SeniorAdvice also ranked these cities based on their SeniorScore, a first-of-its-kind measurement tool that uses an un-biased and comprehensive scoring system to measure senior livability in the area. This tool looks at how specific areas accommodate seniors, the number of senior residents, access to healthcare and over 100 different variables.

Taking all of these matters into account, has actually ranked these cities and provided seniors with a comprehensive list of LGBT-friendly cities to look at for retirement. The largest number of cities appeared in the states of California and Florida. Certain cities rose to the top of the list for different reasons, such as Palm Springs, CA for its high number of same-sex households, Portland for its large LGBT population, and Santa Fe, NM for its high senior population.

The total list for these 20 LGBT senior-friendly communities is:

  1. Fort Lauderdale, FL
  2. Austin, TX
  3. Atlanta, GA
  4. Portland, OR
  5. Palm Springs, CA
  6. Santa Fe, NM
  7. Providence, RI
  8. Seattle, WA
  9. Columbus, OH
  10. Los Angeles, CA
  11. New Orleans, LA
  12. Tampa, FL
  13. Boston, MA
  14. Salt Lake City, UT
  15. San Diego, CA
  16. Cleveland, OH
  17. San Francisco, CA
  18. Albuquerque, NM
  19. Baltimore, MD
  20. Pittsburgh, PA

According to Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE), there are already more than 3 million LGBT individuals age 55 and older in the United States and these numbers are growing at a rapid rate. These 20 cities are ideal options for a LGBT-friendly retirement. Whether you are a senior looking for a new place to call home after you retire or are helping a LGBT loved one find the perfect place to spend their golden years, these cities are some of the best in the country to consider.

Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement

The post Top 20 Cities for LGBT-Friendly Retirement appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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