December 23, 2024

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TWINK – Hot new Gay Film

<p>An independent documentary film maker conducts an interview with former porn star Kayden Daydream, who now lives in a run down bedsit struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health issues. </p> <p>The post appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">TWINK – Hot new Gay Film</a> .</p>

This is TWINK 

An independent documentary film maker conducts an interview with former porn star Kayden Daydream, who now lives in a run down bedsit struggling with drug addiction, alcoholism and mental health issues.

The former sex icon Quinn A.K.A Kayden (Wade Radford), unravels a world of debauchery and darkness in his interview, and his brutal honesty opens up deep wounds that lead this retrospective to a shocking and tragic climax! But this grand finale is far from the climax Kayden is usually known for in his films, and Twinks will never be viewed the same again!

TWINK DVD (click on the link) – This is the only place to buy the DVD until it’s release in November into shops. They’re region free and post worldwide.

Wade Radford was born in England in 1991 and is a cult Actor, Film Maker, Writer & Podcaster. He has appeared in numerous films and considers his work guerrilla film making! He is a writer of poetry & erotic fiction and has a long list of films & books to his name!

TWINK trailer

The post appeared first on TWINK – Hot new Gay Film .

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