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Vancouver Author Kicks Off Fundraising Efforts To Start Canadian Gay Reading Clubs

Vancouver, BC – June 29, 2012 -If you were to meet Robert Joseph Greene, his only request of you would be, not to read his book, but rather watch his video. This is ironic because the author has embarked on an ambitious campaign to raise funds to help start gay reading clubs in Canada.

Back in 2007, a 99-page compendium of more than 40 studies by universities, foundations, business groups, and government agencies reported a declining trend among young adults. The report sites the internet and television as the primary reasons that young adults are not reading as much. The author never forgot about the growing decline in reading among young adults. A trend that is still current event today.

“It’s not just reading,” says Greene “young adults are not reading for pleasure.” Reading is considered a “smart” action for many reasons. Reading stimulated the mind to gather knowledge and learn. It’s the core fundamental in any academic function. Studies have shown that reading increases analytical thinking. It also helps to increase vocabulary. Reading also benefits youth by reducing stress. Reading can steer a mind away from stressful thoughts. The act of reading can create greater tranquility in a person that is much similar to mediation.

However, the challenge is that Greene wants to offer the same support to French speaking reading groups too. So, he has embarked on a fundraising effort to raise $3000.00 to get his program started.

The fundraising effort is housed at which recently made worldwide news when A viral video about Karen Klein, a school bus monitor, being tormented by a pack of foul-mouthed boys did more than raise $661,000 for the victim.  The donors benefit too. A $25.00 donation entitled the donor to a choice of either a free copy of “The Gay Icon Classics Of The World II” or a copy of the reading book in French. The book retails for $18.00. “You figure with taxes and shipping, this would come to $25.00 anyway so why not help a cause.” The author hopes to raise $3000.00 before August 5, 2012.

The book chosen, by the author, for the first reading is “The Gay Icon Classics Of The World (ISBN 9780986929755).”  The book is collection of gay short fiction fables from around the world. The creation of these stories were based upon some cultural awareness of gay men in history and in some cultures where gay life is taboo.

Greene hopes that Canada Day will inspire Canadians with national pride and  to come on board and help his initiative.

For More Information:

Icon Empire Press
Robert Christofle
778 686 2595 (cell)

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