December 26, 2024

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VIDEO: Lance Bass Shows Off BF Michael Turchins Ass…ets (NSFW)

Goodness Liza, we often just spend days imagining various celebrities and their respective partners naked... No really. We do, we have court orders to prove... However Lance Bass has shown off his gorgeous boyfriend Michael Turchin in his full glory. O...

Goodness Liza, we often just spend days imagining various celebrities and their respective partners naked... No really. We do, we have court orders to prove...

However Lance Bass has shown off his gorgeous boyfriend Michael Turchin in his full glory. Okay not quite full frontal glory, but we get a good glimpse of his perky bottom, which made it worth coming into the office today.

And very nice it is too.

So as Lance creeps up behind his BF in the shower room, Michael is surprised and releases a not so uncute scream and says to the camera... "I'm Naked..."

Michael Turchin | Lance Bass Instagram

Yes, Michael you are... We like it.

The couple have been engaged for over a year, and the former NSYNCER recently re-proposed in August this year. A source close to the pair say they are planning to get married in early 2015.

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