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WEATHER GIRLS: It’s Raining Men Storms Up The Charts

Despite the 'Get Raining Men To Number 1' Facebook Campaign only pushing sales from yesterday, sales of the 1982 hit have come pouring in. by Newsdesk | 27th January 2014 The Weather Girls' single It's Raining Men is currently sitting at number 31 in ...

Despite the 'Get Raining Men To Number 1' Facebook Campaign only pushing sales from yesterday, sales of the 1982 hit have come pouring in.

by Newsdesk | 27th January 2014

The Weather Girls

The Weather Girls' single It's Raining Men is currently sitting at number 31 in the iTunes chart after a Facebook campaign urged users to buy the camp 1982 tune to rally against comments made by a UKIP councillor David Silvester.

Silvester had claimed that gay marriage had caused the recent wave of bad weather the UK was facing.

David Silvester was suspended by the party.

A group on Facebook, which has already been liked nearly 14,000 people, is aiming to get the camp classic to number one.

The group is asking every to start download the song from the 27th January 2014.

A statement made by the group said:

'We believe that the show of strength to get a song to Number 1 will create a huge spotlight on our campaign for equality as a whole. The song, if you like, is our catalyst and part of the bigger message.'

It's Raining Men first stormed the charts in 1982 when duo Martha Wash and Izora Armstead put their definitive vocals to the song. It reached number 2 in the UK.

In 2001 Geri Halliwell also had a hit with the song, it reached number 1 in 5 countries and top 10 in a further 12.

You can buy the track from iTunes here or from Amazon here

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