December 28, 2024

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Will Simon Gross Re Enter The Big Brother House?

<p>Simon Gross entered the Big Brother house on launch night, however his journey as a housemate ended shortly after. He became Big Brother's first TimeBomb victim.</p> <p> </p><p><img src="" width="460" height="233" alt="Simon Gross, Channel 5" title="Simon Gross, Channel 5"/></p> <p></p><p>The "SHOWBIZ" king was booted from the show within two hours of the show's start, <a href="">making history as the first male ever to be a first evictee.</a> However in a twist which will be revealed in tonight's show, four new housemates will put into the house. </p><p></p><p><a href="">Big Brother has given details about three of the new housem</a>ates, but has remained tight lipped about the fourth only saying, "as an added surprise, one of the ‘new’ housemates will be a very familiar face…"</p><p></p><p>Since Simon's departure he has been a featured guest in Rylan's aftershow Big Brother's Bit On The Side and has become notorious for his catchphrase, "Showbiz"</p><p></p><p>Sneaky and devilsh. We like we like.</p><p></p><p></p><p>ALSO READ: </p><p><a href="">The Summer Of Bisexual Big Brother, two new housemates confirmed as "bisexual"</a></p><p></p><p><a href="">Big Brother: Past LGBT Contestants Where Are They Now?</a></p><p></p><p><a href="">Naked Dancing Gets Aaron Booted From Big Brother House</a></p>

Simon Gross entered the Big Brother house on launch night, however his journey as a housemate ended shortly after. He became Big Brother's first TimeBomb victim.

Simon Gross, Channel 5

The "SHOWBIZ" king was booted from the show within two hours of the show's start, making history as the first male ever to be a first evictee. However in a twist which will be revealed in tonight's show, four new housemates will put into the house.

Big Brother has given details about three of the new housemates, but has remained tight lipped about the fourth only saying, "as an added surprise, one of the ‘new’ housemates will be a very familiar face…"

Since Simon's departure he has been a featured guest in Rylan's aftershow Big Brother's Bit On The Side and has become notorious for his catchphrase, "Showbiz"

Sneaky and devilsh. We like we like.


The Summer Of Bisexual Big Brother, two new housemates confirmed as "bisexual"

Big Brother: Past LGBT Contestants Where Are They Now?

Naked Dancing Gets Aaron Booted From Big Brother House

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