March 20, 2025

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<p>[ January 22, 2014 to January 26, 2014. ] Winter Rendezvous, the largest and longest running Gay Ski Week in the Northeast, celebrates 30 years of wintry bliss! WINTER RENDEZVOUS 30th Anniversary 2014 Jan 22-26 - Stowe Vermont Join hundreds of GLBTQ enthusiasts from across the country and beyond for 5 days of Skiing, Snow boarding, Cross Country, Snow Shoeing, Dance Parties, Entertainment, Giant Pool [...]</p><p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">WINTER RENDEZVOUS 2014</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
January 22, 2014toJanuary 26, 2014
Winter Rendezvous, the largest and longest running Gay Ski Week in the Northeast, celebrates 30 years of wintry bliss!
WINTER RENDEZVOUS 30th Anniversary 2014 Jan 22-26 – Stowe Vermont Join hundreds of GLBTQ enthusiasts from across the country and beyond for 5 days of Skiing, Snow boarding, Cross Country, Snow Shoeing, Dance Parties, Entertainment, Giant Pool Party. Shopping, Spas, Hot Tubs and more….


The largest and longest running gay and lesbian ski event on the east coast, attracting hundreds of LGBTQ skiers and riders to Stowe each year, offers a diverse lineup of activities,parties and entertainment.

Five days of skiing and snowboarding take place on Mt. Mansfield and Spruce Peak.

Enjoy cross country skiing and snowshoeing on the world class trails of the Trapp Family Lodge, the official Nordic Center of Winter Rendezvous 2014.

Other outdoor activities include horse drawn sleigh rides, dog sledding and bonfires.

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The post WINTER RENDEZVOUS 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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