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XPOSED International Queer Film Festival 2015

<p>[ May 21, 2015 to May 24, 2015. ]  <br /> XPOSED International Queer Film Festival - Originally, the International Queer Short Film Festival was launched to the public in Berlin to present queer short films from Australia. Meanwhile, the view has expanded: the organizers present in the last few years, films from Canada, Korea, Turkey, India and the Middle East. The festival not only shows [...]</p> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">XPOSED International Queer Film Festival 2015</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Seasons of Pride</a>.</p>
May 21, 2015toMay 24, 2015


XPOSED International Queer Film Festival – Originally, the International Queer Short Film Festival was launched to the public in Berlin to present queer short films from Australia. Meanwhile, the view has expanded: the organizers present in the last few years, films from Canada, Korea, Turkey, India and the Middle East. The festival not only shows the latest queer short films from different countries, but its focus is primarily on identifying and developing the state of queer life of the region. Therefore, the organizers also look for lost treasures and film classics of queer film scene. Berlin, Germany.

The Program for the 10th edition of XPOSED to be announced on 4th May, 2015

XPOSED International Queer Film Festival 2015XPOSED International Queer Film Festival 2015

It’s about eXposure and eXposing. It’s about fun, it’s about Berlin and the rest of the Queer World!

The XPOSED international queer short film festival Berlin was created to screen award winning Australian Queer short films to an international audience, however as the festival grew so did it’s outlook, not only did we want to create International exposure for Australian Queer Film, but also to Queer Films from other regions as well.

The best way to shine a light on Queer life in another land is to mark it with a giant X and open peoples eyes to it, therefore, the festival grew into it’s new focus. Every year we would dedicate to a specific region around the world and bring queer stories from these lands to an International audience in Berlin. Not only have we XPOSED Queer Australian short films, but also short films from Canada, Korea, Turkey, Germany, Spain & The Middle East.


The post XPOSED International Queer Film Festival 2015 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.

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