March 17, 2025

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Your Holiday Mom, 40 Moms, 40 Messages, 1 Happy LGBTQ Holiday

( – EASTON, MD — NOVEMBER 26, 2012Moms are often the true catalyst to making the world a better place. This holiday season, it’s going viral thanks to one mom who is on a mission to improve the lives of all LGBTQ children. is a blog bringing together 40 moms for 40 days to offer written, audio and video messages of encouragement during the holiday season.

The messages are hitting home: “My little brother is in my arms sobbing, and has been for the past ten minutes; because, and I quote, ‘At least someone loves me.’ (Our mother rejected my coming out, and refuses to even acknowledge his; it’s messed with him, even though we no longer live with her.) Thank you so much for your love and affection for us. I can’t even express how grateful we are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Reader Viktor writes: “Oh. My. God. My heart. Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me, and probably hundreds, if not more, LGBT kids out there. I came out to my mom on October 21. Just last month. The day before my birthday. She didn’t take it as well as I had hoped. I hadn’t cried in 4 years, and I cried myself to sleep that night. But I told my brothers about it the next day. They were great about it. I don’t know what I would have done if they hadn’t been so accepting. Anyways, all my life I’ve wanted my mom to sit down with me and have a conversation with me telling me that it’s ok to be different. That different was better. That she still loved me the same no matter what.”

Founder Robin Rice knew there was a need. “Thirty years ago, I lost my little brother to suicide because he feared he was gay and simply could not live in a world that would not support him if this were true. Today, I still feel that hole in my heart, and so I do whatever I can to support LGBTQ youth,” says Robin Rice, creator of the blog. “I started by gifting Christmas Stockings to LGBTQ shelters as a way to say I care, and then last year, I put out an audio recording called Your Holiday Mom. I knew we needed something more than just one voice, so this year I asked for 40 moms to open their hearts. Supportive moms from all walks of life are out there and this is a story most don’t hear. It’s time they did.”

Supportive mom Michelle Griffin was delighted to help. “My husband and my three LGBTQ kids were excited to find out I was participating in the project. It is not only an opportunity to be involved in helping others, but a chance to reinforce to my own children that they are accepted and loved just as they are, and that our family is willing to stand up for them in the larger community.”

“We are not a company and have no profit agenda. We are just moms who care and have created a way to show it during the often emotionally difficult holiday season,” says Rice. “Isn’t that what the season is supposed to be about—family, caring, and people coming together? We may have to do it in cyberspace, but we can still make a difference in someone’s life.”



Media Contact: Robin Rice


Phone: 410-770-4501

40 Moms. 40 Messages. 1 Happy LGBTQ Holiday

Moms sharing love for any LGBTQ youth going viral this holiday season.

Media Provided by the – Gay Media and Press Network.


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