12 Absolutely Necessary Cat Gifs

(GayWebSource.com - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - TheGayUK.com We woke up this morning and decided that we needed to look at cat gifs today. As you do. by Newsdesk | 31st July 2014 So here are our 13 favourite cat gifs. Of course you could spend hours looking for cat gifs on the web, like us, in the name of research, but we've compliled the ones that made us laugh out loud and coo and ahhh.... The longer you look at some of these the funnier they get. Although they will never be a funnier gif than the bar maid falling down the trap door. Now apparently nearly one million UK pets have their own social networks - which was why it was so easy to find these gifs! Clever little dolls! We had an ex boyfriend who used to do just this. Except it was less cute - and he was medication... This is how you run a story past our editor. The reaction is spot on. Biatch... please... If only we could do this... #NeverLeaveTheHouse The more you watch this - the funnier it becomes. This is literally is a bitch slap. "Don't you walk away from me...." "Love Me..." The terror in this cat's face, is award winning. It's like being dragged on to dance floor at a wedding, by a bingo winged sausage in a dress whilst the dj plays Agadoo. Huh? Just like Britney in a wind machine. Mine. We know how he feels. Has this happened to you, when you've pushed two beds together at a hotel? Media Provided by the GayWebSource.com - Gay News & Press Network.
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