To republish this post please visit NEWS: Save Benjy Campaign Receives Homophobic Threats
NEWS: Save Benjy Campaign Receives Homophobic Threats
( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson -
Since the start of the campaign to #SaveBenjy the gay bull from slaughter, 265 backers have come forward pledging over £3,400. However, not everyone has been so approving of our fight.
We are really blown away by the support for Benjy the little gay bull at this very early stage in the campaign, however comments left on the official Save Benjy YouTube video shows how much homophobia there still is out there.
HH500: ‘There are wars going on in the world and you filthy cream puff queers are going on about saving a faggot bull, how about this? Cull the damn bull and lynch you dirty fags. PROBLEM SOLVED’
linkrock123: ‘Disgusting fuckers. An animal cannot be homosexual. If it willingly chooses to "breed" with a male, it's because the animal has a mental deficiency. Animals breed to reproduce, nothing else. Perverted freaks.’
Huey Freeman: ‘At first i thought this was some kind of joke.Like wtf there bulls for fuck sake .You gay people make me sick , fundraising money because of some damn bull.These animals do not feel anything when you slice there neck off they just die.You guys need help .Being gay is very wrong btw’
Any money raised past the £5,000 target will be used to fund the keep of Benjy and also be used to help other LGBT charities across the UK helping those in our LGBT community struggling with their sexuality.
TheGayUK has set up a Crowd Funding page to help #SaveBenjy from slaughter. Donations can be made at:
You can also show your support on Twitter using the hashtag #SaveBenjy
Thank You.
Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
To republish this post please visit NEWS: Save Benjy Campaign Receives Homophobic Threats
To republish this post please visit NEWS: Save Benjy Campaign Receives Homophobic Threats