(GayWebSource.com - Gay Media & Press Network) - Posted by SeasonsofPride.com
January 16, 2014 | to | January 23, 2014 |
Pembe Hayat KuirFest – Pink Life QueerFest
Ankara, Turkey
The first queer festival of Turkey Pink Life QueerFest, an organization to create expression areas for LGBT rights struggle through art, collecting different branches from cinema to literature, from music to video and implementing them through panels, discussions and workshops.
Aiming at opening gender identity roles for discussion, making LGBT individuals and organizations in Turkey visible and drawing attention to LGBT politics using the powerful effect of cinema over society, Pink Life QueerFest is going to gather pieces from Turkey’s and world cinema.
Pink Life QueerFest 2014
Pembe Hayat LGBT Solidarity Association -
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals’ freedom justice and peace as fundamental values to accept, language, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity / expression, belief, creed, economic status, and region without distinction of all oppressed sections of solidarity with promoting to; life in all areas of sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination to contend against the direction that will help them culture, education, the arts, sports and similar activities and execute activities in this direction material and spiritual support.
Pembe Hayat LGBT Solidarity Association in the international field of sexual orientation and gender identity / expression discrimination carrying out the activity of international LGBT association ILGA and the European branch of ILGA- Europe, the European trans organizations of Transgender Europe and all over the world youth and students’ problems operating out of international LGBTQ Youth and Student organization is an active member of IGLYO . International Network of Sex Workers Project sex workers are members of the network .
Türkiye’nin ilk kuir film festivali olan Pembe Hayat KuirFest, LGBTK hakları mücadelesine sanat aracılığıyla ifade alanları yaratan, sinemadan edebiyata, müzikten videoya pek çok farklı türü buluşturan; bu çerçevede panel, söyleşi, atölye çalışmaları ve sergilerin düzenlendiği uluslararası bir organizasyondur.
Toplumsal cinsiyet rollerini tartışmaya açmak, Türkiye’deki LGBTK birey ve örgütlerin görünürlüğünü sağlamak ve sinema sanatının bireyler ve toplumlar üzerindeki gücünden yararlanarak LGBTK politikalarına dikkat çekmeyi amaçlayan Pembe Hayat KuirFest, Türkiye ve dünya sinemasından örnekleri bir araya getirecek.
The post Pink Life QueerFest 2014 appeared first on Seasons of Pride.
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