Anti-Gay Pastor Jokes About AIDS Video Asking It To Go Viral

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - An anti-gay pastor, Steven L Anderson asked his followers to make a video about AIDS go 'viral' on the 1st December. (C) YouTube The video, entitled "AIDS: the Judgement of God" which is hosted on YouTube, has currently had over 18,000 views. The hour long video has attracted over 500 comments, most of which are homophobic and anti-gay and point towards Leviticus, a passage in the bible which has often been used to prove that homosexuality is wrong within Christianity. However many have argued that the writings can be interpreted to justify the stoning of gay men. Steven L Anderson took to Twitter on 1st December to ask his 677 followers to make the video go 'viral' and then joked about it saying, 'pun intended'. Steven L Anderson founded the non-profit Faithful Word Baptist Church in 2005 in Arizona. The church uses the King James Bible. RELATED STORIES: Where did the red ribbon symbol for World AIDS Day come from? Westboro Baptist Church gets Vine This is how you should go to a Westboro Picket. WBC made fabulous, by Chris The Faithful Word Baptist Church has been listed as an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, because Anderson refers to gay men as sodomites and who 'recruit through rape,' and 'recruit through molestation'. Speaking about the church's designation, Anderson said, 'I do hate homosexuals and if hating homosexuals makes our church a hate group then that's what we are.' Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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