February 26, 2015 |
Help Launch the First-Ever LGBTQ Tech Summit
We’re planning the first-ever LGBTQ Tech Summit on Feb 26, 2015 at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco.
Bring the Magic of the White House LGBT Tech & Innovation Summit to San Francisco February 26.
Last July Lesbians Who Tech co-produced the LGBT Tech & Innovation Summit at the White House. It was the first time the LGBTQ community came together in such a way and we’d love to replicate the magic this February 26 in San Francisco. And last year we hosted two Summit’s for queer women in technology and allies. This year we want to expand our Summit to the LGBTQ Tech community.
LGBTQ Tech Summit in San Francisco
While tech leaders like Tim Cook and Martine Rothblatt are important to LGBTQ visibility from the top down, it is your stories and openness that become the backbone of equality in tech and the LGBTQ Tech Summit brings those stories to life. (Your Stories!)
Get your ticket now
To make it happen, we have to pre-sell 150 tickets, which shows that you all really want the Summit to happen. And we have just 15 days to do it because we don’t have a lot of time to make this happen!
The LGBTQ Tech Summit will be hosted in epicenter of the tech sector, San Francisco on Friday, February 26th (the day before the Lesbians Who Tech and Allies Summit) you will have the chance to network with other LGBTQ individuals in tech and participate in a day of discussing trends, successes and opportunities.
Get your LGBTQ Tech Summit ticket today (click here), and help make this incredible Summit a reality!
p.s. We’re also looking for speakers! If you’re interested please apply to speak here (click here)
p.p.s. Please share it on Twitter & Facebook today:
Bring the amazing LGBTQ Tech Summit to SF! Get your ticket today! http://bit.ly/1zmhrNj #LGBTQTech PLS RT!
About Lesbians Who Tech
Lesbians Who Tech is the community of queer women in technology, and the people who love them. Lesbians Who Tech has four goals:2) Increase the visibility of lesbians in technology
Queer women rarely see their voices included in public discourse. Lesbians Who Tech provides the community and support for queer women in technology to come out as the amazing, successful people they are.
3) Increase the number of women in technology
Queer women are women first, and women presently account for just 1 in 15 people working in STEM fields. This explains, in part, how tech media rarely quote women as experts, and tech conferences often fall short of incorporating female voice. Lesbians Who Tech elevates queer and female voices, serving as a breath of fresh air for people who the tech industry often fails to recognize and include.
4) Connect lesbians in technology to the organizations working on our behalf
Women and LGTBQ people are making leaps towards equality in many areas, thanks to the people who dedicate their lives to that dream. That work deserves the support of queer women and their allies in all sectors of life, including the technology industry. Lesbians Who Tech raises awareness of our advocates’ work and creates opportunities to connect advocates with the people in tech whose interests they serve.
About LGBT Technology Partnership & Institute
The Partnership & Institute work closely together to improve the lives of LGBT individuals with technology and the policies that govern it.
The Partnership
The Partnership aims to brings together cutting edge tech companies, nonprofit organizations, policy makers, scholars and innovators to improve access, increase inclusion, ensure safety and empower entrepreneurship for LGBT communities around technology.
The Institute
The Institute is a tax-exempt not-for-profit organization conducting cutting edge research at the intersection of LGBT communities and technology and creates resources, tools, and programs to support LGBT communities.
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