How Much Would You Pay To Photograph Your Penis In 3D?

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - If the answer is not $1490 (£983) then there is no need to read any further as that is exactly the price of SCANIFY’S new handheld scanner. It’s billed as “the world’s first point-and-shoot 3D scanner.” It allows users to take three dimensional photographs of anything — yes, anything – their hearts desire because. The device, which has only been made available to a small handful of people, is already causing a stir, mainly among men who have been using it to print 3D pictures of their penises. What they do with the pictures afterwards is anyone’s guess. Grindr maybe? Using Scanify is easy. All you need to do is point the device at the subject they’d like to photograph (i.e. their penis) and rotate it around 360-degrees to capture every angle. Once the subject is “mapped,” it’s turned into an image that can then be shared online or sent to a 3D printer. The whole process takes less than one minute. Here’s a slightly disturbing video that shows exactly how it’s done Don’t get yourself or your private parts too excited yet as the Scanify is only available for pre-order and will not be ready to ship from Fuel3D until March. ALSO READ: Are Our Willies Getting Smaller As We Get Older? Your iPhone 5 Can Be Unlocked With Your Penis... New App Predicts Penis Size Roger Walker-Dack Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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