My name is Maria and I am owner at Maria Assia Photography ( I regularly write about marriage and I produced this info-graphic attached about the legality of same-sex marriage in Europe.
Marriage Equality in Europe
Following the historic U.S Supreme Court decision to legalize same- sex marriage in the United States, I figured it would be interesting to see where Europe stands on the issue. It was interesting to find out that the Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, but it was surprising to see that countries like Italy do not recognize same-sex relationships. Support for same sex marriage amongst the public also varies a lot from country to country.
Many countries in Europe only allow registered partnerships but these partnerships do not have the same rights as a marriage. It was interesting to read about the key differences between same-sex marriages and registered partnerships.Related articles
The post Marriage Equality in Europe appeared first on Seasons of Pride. Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.To republish this post please visit Marriage Equality in Europe