Out In Plain Sight

By Bobbi Scopa
Even though I had a long career as a firefighter, then fire chief, then assistant director, life was difficult. It wasn’t always as it seemed.

The post Out In Plain Sight appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Out In Pl…

Tell Your Story

By Joe Costentino
I began with a memory from high school, recalling my first infatuation. Though it was decades earlier, it was as if it had happened yesterday.

The post Tell Your Story appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Tell Your…

Step in to The Lesbian Bar Project

By Christina Schlesinger
These bars are not just bars, they are living entities with a heartbeat.

The post Step in to The Lesbian Bar Project appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Step in to The Lesbian Bar Project appeared first on …

Romantic & sexual exclusivity: Survey by UQAM professors reveals Canadian values regarding love

Is romantic exclusivity still popular in 2023? Do Canadians still wish to cultivate an exclusive sexual relationship with a partner? More than 4000 people across Canada responded to a survey that was part of the Mapping Contemporary Love and Intimacy I…

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Death and Plunder

By Mary Aviyah Farkas 
I didn’t know I would again become death’s witness and companion. The two most important people in my life were gone. My soul festered with abject pain and grief.  I couldn’t sleep and could barely eat.
The post Death and Plunder…

The post Death and Plunder appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.


リスキリングとは「職業能力の再開発、再教育」という意味合いで使われています。 自分のスキルをアップさせる為に、学びなおしをしたり、新しい事を学ぶという事です。 スキルアップする事で、その能力が給料にも反映される事が期待で […]

投稿 「リスキリング」は本当に必要?経験不問の簡単副業!「古着バイヤー」でおしゃれに稼ぐ!! に最初に表示されました。

The post 「リスキリング」は本当に必要? appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

Not In Your Hand

By Richard Schneider
Seems it’s been a while since the religious Right went into full freakout mode over a logo or ad campaign, but they pretty much lost their minds over a change in those multi-colored and commercially personified candies known as M&#…

The post Not In Your Hand appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.