Body Shop Canada, partners with All Blood is Equal to help end LGBTQ2+ blood donation ban

The Body Shop Canada has released data that reveals 34% of LGBTQ2+ people in Canada rank in the lowest quartile of self love. The figures are the latest to be shared from the company's worldwide research conducted by Ipsos - The Body Shop Self Love Index*. Recognising this index result may come from a range of factors such as discrimination, rejection and homophobia, The Body Shop is pledging to not only celebrate self-expression this World Pride Month, but to also fight for LGBTQ2+ equality. This Pride, The Body Shop invites members of the public to join them as they fight against labels that inhibit self-love, drawing on the power of collective action, allyship and celebration of diversity and community. Hilary Lloyd, VP Marketing & Values, North America said: "The Body Shop supports the All Blood is Equal Coalition to end the discriminatory blood donation ban that some from the LGBTQ2+ community face. In Canada, each year thousands of willing blood donors are turned away because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Prospective donors who are gay, bisexual, two-spirit, queer men and trans women face an arbitrary, discriminatory 3-month period of abstinence before they can...

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