Calling Queer Artists 2018

( - Gay News and Press Syndication) - Posted by 2018: Artist Call Out and Midsumma Festival are calling for digital and new media works from queer identifying artists. Be part of the ongoing conversation about #QueerTech. Curated by the artist collective and Midsumma Festival works selected will be premiered online and offline across multiple sites at Midsumma Festival 2018, including RMIT SPARE ROOM & LIGHTSCAPES. Calling Queer Artists 2018 Now more than ever, queer voices are vital to a continued socio-political discourse surrounding representation in a digital landscape. showcases a broad cross-section of the innovative, poignant and queer-as-hell works emerging from diverse queer communities. 2017 included works from artists in ten countries and spanned video works, games, gifs, 3D models, animations and interactive works. After premiering at Midsumma Festival 2017, the collection toured nationally and internationally. Artists at all stages of their careers are encouraged to apply. Submissions close on Sunday 12 November. Questions? Email Curator, Alison Bennett at
QueerTechIO 2018 call for works from Virtual Drag on Vimeo. 2018 presented in partnership with MIDSUMMA and supported by RMIT: ART: INTERSECT A collection of digital artworks by queer artists from around the globe exhibited online at and embedded in three Australian queer arts festivals and screened on the Federation Square big screen: has been organised by Alison Bennett, Travis Cox, Xanthe Dobbie & Mark Payne. “There is a growing conversation about #queertech art practices internationally” explains Alison Bennett, one of the artists organising “We wanted to be a part of that conversation and find out more about how artists are thinking about #queertech as a creative space and an artistic strategy.” Feel welcome to let us know about more queertech artists and projects

Calling Queer Artists 2018

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