Find the Fit

By Richard Schneider
Let’s say you’re a conservative activist whose idée fixe it is to fight “transgenderism” in public schools, and you want to do something truly gonzo to make your point and get people fired up.
The post Find the Fit appeared first o…

The post Find the Fit appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

Gay By Design

By Karen Raines
I was watching TV the other day someone in the show I was watching asked, “If you met your eighteen-year-old self and could only say three words, what would they be?” Immediately, I knew mine: “Yes, you are.”
The post Gay By Design appe…

The post Gay By Design appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

Phantoms, Cats, and Jesus, Oh My!: ‘Music of the Night’ brings Lloyd-Webber Hits Concert Style

The accolades are countless. The songs etched in our collective conscience. Whether you first made a Memory seeing Cats, discovered What’s the Buzz about Jesus Christ Superstar, or felt The Music of Night in Phantom of the Opera, the works of Andrew Ll…

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SDGsという言葉を頻繁に聞く様になりましたよね? 実際にどういうものなのか? どうしてこんなにも注目されているのか? 古着バイヤーにどう関係があるのかにも簡単に触れてみました。 スキマ時間で副業!無料スタートアップ講座 […]

投稿 なぜSDGsが重要視されているのか?経験不問の簡単副業!「古着バイヤー」でおしゃれに稼ぐ!! に最初に表示されました。

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Mars & Me

By Gabe Montesanti
There was something familiar about him: his charisma and smile. I learned that he also did drag, and he handed me his phone to scroll through pictures from the night he was crowned King of Pride.
The post Mars & Me appeared firs…

The post Mars & Me appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

Queers in Class

By Lori Horvitz
A handful of students claimed homosexuality was not natural; others said they’d think about killing themselves if they had the virus. At the time, I struggled to come out.
The post Queers in Class appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian…

The post Queers in Class appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

myGwork’s WorkFair Returns Featuring 100’s of Jobs Worldwide w/ Inclusive Employers for LGBTQ+

Organised by myGwork, the largest global LGBTQ+ talent platform, #WorkFair 2023 will return on 18 October featuring hundreds of jobs opportunities for students and recent graduates, alongside empowering career guidance workshops and webinars.

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