Christopher Street Day Kiel Germany

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by
May 30, 2015

CSD KielChristopher Street Day in Kiel provides local associations, groups and initiatives the opportunity to showcase to their work. This is primarily for the legal equality of lesbian, gay,transgender and Bi’s and to the objective of full social acceptance! Kiel, Germany.

Der Verein organisiert den Christopher-Street-Day in Kiel. Wir demonstrieren für die Gleichstellung von Lesben, Schwulen, Bisexuellen und Trans* in Gesellschaft und im Recht.

Wir geben anderen Vereinen, Gruppen und Initiativen die Möglichkeit, auf ihre Arbeit aufmerksam zu machen.

“Gleich ist nicht gleich gültig

Der CSD 2015 findet am Samstag, den 30. Mai 2015, ab 12.00 Uhr auf dem Kieler Asmus-Bremer-Platz statt!

Christopher Street Day Kiel Germany

Christopher Street Day Kiel Germany Still not equal everywhere. Still not all equivalent. Still not the same. This is not acceptable to us. Events for the 18th Kiel CSD

Monday, May 18, 2015
CSD reception in the Kiel City Hall
17.00 clock – at the invitation!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
CSD movie “PRIDE” in collaboration with the cinema of dreams GmbH
20.00 clock GmbH dream theater – Admission: € 4.90

Thursday, May 28, 2015
play “coming out” of the State Theatre of Schleswig-Holstein
20.00 clock hansa48 (Hansastraße 48) – Admission: € 4

Saturday, May 30, 2015 CSD in Kiel

11.00 Clock – Start street party
on the Asmus-Bremer-square in the heart of the Kiel pedestrian

12.00 clock – the beginning of the demonstration
from Asmus-Bremer-place / port road on the new route (Hbf – Ziegelteich – Knooper way – Holtenauer road – mountain road)

about 13.30 clock – final rally
on the Asmus-Bremer-Platz. Are talking about:

  • Justice Minister Anke Spoorendonk (patron)
  • Daniel Peters and Thorsten Brandt (CSD Kiel eV)

Musically will entertain you:

  • Holger Edmaier from Stuttgart
  • Phrase Movement
  • Franky Dion from Kiel
  • Incense girl from Kiel
  • Captain coastal vessels Marching Band
  • Zumba Group Kiel

22.00 clock – CSD-closing party
in the TraumGmbH (Grasweg 19 in Kiel)
Admission: € 7 eV in favor of the CSD Kiel

Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 17.00 clock
CSD service at St. Nicholas Church (Kiel, Old Market)
then finds a quiet ending with coffee and cake instead

The post Christopher Street Day Kiel Germany appeared first on Seasons of Pride. Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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