Clinical Psychologist Columbia University
Columbia Health Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) seeks a licensed Psychologist to provide direct clinical services, including crisis intervention, diagnostic assessment and brief psychotherapy to the student population on the Morningside Campus of Columbia University. Must be able to work with serious psychopathology.
Minimum Qualifications for GradeApplicant MUST meet these minimum qualifications to be considered an applicant
Requires Ph.D. or Psy.D in clinical psychology, or Ph.D. in counseling psychology. Requires New York State license or eligible. Minimum 5 years related experience with at least 3 years acceptable clinical experience or completion of a fellowship in college mental health. Ability to work with serious psychopathology.Some evening and on-call hours required.

Preferred Qualifications
Demonstrated experience and expertise in working with LGBT students clinically and in outreach to the LGBT community; the ideal candidate will be qualified to assume in a leadership position in our LGBT specialty practice.
Prefer 8 or more years clinical experience. Strongly prefer candidates with a college counseling background or related background in treating late adolescents and young adults.
This position works with:
HIPAA Compliance training required
Counseling and Psychological Services supports the psychological and emotional well-being of the campus community by providing counseling, consultation and crisis intervention — all of which adhere to strict standards of confidentialityOpens in a new window. Counseling and Psychological Services offers short-term individual counselingOpens in a new window, referrals for longer-term therapy, student-life support groupsOpens in a new window, medication consultationOpens in a new window, and emergency consultation. Students are welcome to select a mental-health clinician (bios and photos are available onlineOpens in a new window). Counseling and Psychological Services takes a flexible, individualized approach to addressing each student’s needs. What works for one student may be inappropriate for another. For example, while many students’ needs can be met through individual counseling at our campus center, other students are best served through one of our many groups, while still other students have concerns that are most effectively addressed through specialized programs or open-ended psychotherapy off campus. Counseling and Psychological Services seeks to match each student with the most efficacious resources available.
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