Condom Requirement Law For Pornstars Clears First Hearing

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - A Bill which would see all adult performers in California required by law to wear condoms has cleared its first hurdle. by Paul Goldberg | 22nd May 2014 The landmark and controversial California Assembly Bill AB1576 which requires condoms in all adult films made statewide in the state of California, cleared the state Assembly’s Appropriations Committee earlier today in a 9 to 3 vote. Today, Isadore Hall and Michael Weinstein forced the AB1576 bill down the throats of the Adult Entertainment ndusry despite the huge amount of opposition of adult film performers themselves as well as LGBT political groups. Now, as stated in the bill, AB1576 denies performers control of their own body, their own sexuality, and their own privacy. The Free Speech Coalition collected over five hundred signatures of adult performers who have come out in huge numbers in opposition to this bill, despite Assembly member Hall’s endless shaming. Reuters reported on how vial Assembly member Isadore Hall (pictured right) of the 64 Assembly District has been towards performers of the Adult Film Industry. ' For the past few month, Hall has portrayed performers as a public health hazard, using discredited studies that read like Victorian pulp novels. This isn’t about protecting performers, this is a morality crusade aimed at driving a legal, regulated business out of the state and underground.' Read the full story here ALSO SEE Falcon Porn Studio Removes Condoms Digitally PRODUCT REVIEW: THEY FIT - CUSTOM FIT CONDOMS Gallery: Men Of Tahiti Read this and other stories on our free app for iTunes or for Android phones Download our latest edition of TheGayUK on your Apple Device Download our latest edition of TheGayUK on your Android Device < p>Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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