Dating Naked… Raising The Ratings?

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - It seems like everyone is taking it all off Stateside these days. by Roger Walker-Dack | 23rd July 2014 Actor Rib Hillis is so proud of the gay themed movie BIRTHDAY CAKE that he starred in that he will do ALMOST anything to get you to see it, even it means posing nude to grab your attention. This hot straight married dad (father of twins) has bared all so that the LGBT community will put pressure on both NETFLIX and REDBOX (an American Movie Rental Company) to overcome their reluctance/refusal to stock the movie so that people up and down the country can see it. Our movie critic Roger Walker-Dack has viewed it already (and we will publish his review when the movie gets released in the UK) and he assures us that Mr Hillis is no sorry sight dressed or undressed. Meanwhile last week on VH1 on American TV the start of a reality show that for once did not originate in the UK. It’s called DATING NAKED and its all about leaving nothing to the imagination. Each week on a primitive island resort far away from any peeping toms, a naked man and a naked girl will go on a date each with other, then have two more dates with other naked suitors. At the end of the experiment they will get to chose which one they want to take home and I guess get dressed with. Sadly they are all straight, but then again even VH1 us not quite ready for two naked men on a date who get too ‘excited’, or simply maybe the producers have heard the old joke ‘what do gay men do on a second date?’ Answer ‘what’s a second date?’ We’ll keep you updated if the show gets picked up by an UK network, What Does Your Sex Face Say About You? 8 Naked Boybands 6 Of The Best Naked Films Perez Hilton Gets Naked Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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