Do You Needs The Kardashians Blocked From Your Life?

( - Gay News & Press Network) - Posted by Jake Simpson - If you don’t care about how Kanye & Kim didn't care when Amy Schumer 'fell over', and you don’t care about who the Kardashians are or aren't sleeping with, or you don't care that Kim dyed her hair blonde, or in fact you don't care one iota about the ubiquitous Kardashians, then help has finally arrived. It is in the form of a brand new app that blocks any mention of them at all from the Internet for you. It’s called Kardblock and its makers say, quote, “If there’s anything on your newsfeed, the website you’re on, whatever . . . we simply make it disappear. “You won’t ever know the stories about the Kardashians are there, because you won’t ever see them.” Now this is technology that all of us really can use. @rogerwalkerdack Media Provided by the - Gay News & Press Network.
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